User Posts: Apsara Palit
Dreams About White Snakes – What Do They Mean?

White snakes are extremely rare, but seeing one in your dreams can be surprisingly common. Many believe that because white is associated with purity and ...

Dreaming of a Snake Bite – Possible Interpretations

Snakes are one of the oldest mythological symbols in various cultures around the world. In many traditions, they’re associated with growth, transformation, ...

Dreams about Deer – Possible Interpretations

The interpretations of a dream about deer can be diverse, depending on the state or context of the dream. Some deer dreams can warn you that something’s not ...

Dreaming of a Baby Boy – Possible Interpretations

Dream analyst Lauri Quinn Loewenberg, explains that a baby in a dream, whether girl or boy, is a symbol that someone has fulfilled their goals in life.  ...

Dreams About Being Chased – Interpretation and Symbolism

Dreaming about being chased by something or someone can be a frightening thing to experience. As if you've been transported into a thriller tale, you find ...

Dreaming of Violence – Possible Interpretations

While it might sound counter-intuitive, dreams in which violence ensue are often positive in nature. When violent topics are manifested in dreams, they need ...

Why You’re Dreaming of Being Late

If you’ve ever dreamed of being late, you’re part of the millions of people who experience this theme. It’s not surprising to dream of being late as our ...

Dreaming of People Who Have Died – What It Really Means

Most of us have had a close friend, dear family member, or even a beloved pet who has passed away. The sadness, grief, and anguish we feel is deep and ...

Dreams of Schools – What Does It Really Mean?

Many of our opinions, ideas, and beliefs about the world develop during our school years. From preschool and kindergarten all the way through high school, ...

Dreaming About Pizza – Interpretations and Symbolism

Having dreams about food is somewhat common, and you may have experienced such dreams at some point in your life. Pizza is one of the most beloved types of ...

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