Search results for: celtic
Pentacle vs. Pentagram: All The Main Differences

The terms pentacle and pentagram are often used interchangeably, but these terms don't refer to the same symbol. While both pentacles and pentagrams are ...

9 Sacred Geometry Symbols: An In-Depth Guide

Geometric patterns exist all around us, many of which can be explained through physics and mathematics. However, the recurrence of these patterns in the ...

Laurel Wreath: Why Does It Represent Victory?

In ancient times, emperors and victors would wear laurel wreaths to signify their power, achievements, and authority. These were made from the interwoven ...

12 Powerful Symbols of Family and What They Mean

What does "family" mean to you? Family can represent refuge and security, as they’re the people that stay beside us in the toughest of times. For many, ...

30 Powerful Symbols of Wisdom from Around the World

Wisdom has always been valued across cultures as one of the most important virtues a person can have. Because of these, over time, many symbols have emerged ...

Sirens vs. Mermaids: Are They the Same?

Sirens and Mermaids, two mythical creatures that have captivated the human imagination. They’re typically portrayed as seductive fishy females who lure men ...

Cerridwen: Welsh Goddess & Keeper of the Cauldron

Cerridwen is a powerful enchantress with incredible magical talents in Welsh mythology. She possessed the gifts of Awen, poetic wisdom, inspiration, and ...

Five-Fold Symbol – Origins, Meaning and Symbolism

The five-fold symbol is an integral part of Celtic mythology and spiritual beliefs. It’s also known as the Borromean Cross (not to be confused with the ...

11 Sacred Fire Goddesses and Their Stunning Powers

As the most important aspect of human civilization, fire plays an essential role in many different mythologies around the world. These types of myths and ...

What is the Armenian Cross – History and Meaning

Armenian crosses are known for their elaborate motifs and unique designs.  Often carved in stone monuments, the Armenian cross is a variant of the ...