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15 Potent Symbols of Jealousy and What They Mean

Ah, jealousy – the green-eyed monster that can rear its ugly head in the most unexpected of situations.

Whether it’s the pang of envy you feel when your friend shows off their shiny new car, or the simmering jealousy you experience when your significant other talks about their ex, we’ve all been there at some point.

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When it comes to depicting jealousy in popular culture, there are plenty of symbols that come to mind – from the classic green-eyed monster to the ever-present emoji of the envious face.

So, let’s take a closer look at some of the most iconic symbols of jealousy, and what they say about this complex and often uncomfortable emotion.

1. Green-Eyed Monster

Green-Eyed Monster
Green-Eyed Monster represents jealousy. See it here.

When we talk about symbols of jealousy, the green-eyed monster is undoubtedly one of the most well-known.

The phrase “green-eyed monster” comes from Shakespeare’s play Othello, where the character Iago warns Othello about the dangers of jealousy, saying “O, beware, my lord, of jealousy; it is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on.”

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The image of a green-eyed monster is powerful because it captures the way jealousy can consume and distort our thoughts and feelings, turning us into something other than ourselves. The color green is also significant – it’s associated with sickness, envy, and even the devil.

2. Venom


Venom represents the poisonous and destructive nature of jealousy. Just like a venomous snake, jealousy can strike suddenly and leave its victim reeling with pain and confusion.

The metaphor of venom also highlights the way jealousy can spread and infect those around us, poisoning relationships and causing harm to others as well as ourselves. It’s all too easy to lash out at others when we’re feeling jealous, and in doing so, we risk perpetuating a cycle of hurt and mistrust.

But while venomous creatures are certainly dangerous, they also have the potential for healing. Many traditional medicines use venom as a treatment for various ailments, and in some cultures, venomous animals are even revered as symbols of strength and power.

3. Serpent


In Western cultures, the serpent is a cunning and deceptive creature, capable of manipulating and betraying those it encounters. This aligns with the way jealousy can manifest in our own lives, twisting our thoughts and actions in harmful ways.

But the serpent is also a complex symbol, with layers of meaning beyond just jealousy. In many cultures, it’s associated with knowledge and wisdom, as well as rebirth and transformation.

This suggests that there may be a deeper, more positive aspect to jealousy – that by confronting and examining our feelings of envy, we can gain greater insight into ourselves and our relationships.

The serpent serves as a reminder of the complexities and contradictions of human emotion. While jealousy can be destructive, it can also be a catalyst for growth and self-awareness.

4. Burning Fire

burning fire

Fire is a potent symbol of many emotions, including jealousy. When we feel jealous, it’s as if a fire has been ignited within us, consuming us from the inside out.

This fire can be all-consuming, fueling our resentment and anger and threatening to burn everything in its path. But like all fires, jealousy can also be harnessed and directed in positive ways.

When we channel our jealousy into productive action, we can use it as a motivation to better ourselves and our situations. Just as fire can provide warmth and light, so too can jealousy illuminate the areas in our lives that need attention and improvement.

5. Dark Clouds

Dark cloud

Dark clouds represent the way jealousy can cast a shadow over everything in our lives. Jealousy is similar to a dark cloud settling over our minds, distorting our perceptions, and leaving us feeling overwhelmed and trapped.

Like all clouds, those of jealousy can also eventually pass. By recognizing and acknowledging our feelings of envy, we can begin to work through them and find a way to move forward.

Just as the sun can break through even the darkest clouds, we can also find a way to rise above our jealousy and find peace and clarity.

6. Thorn Bush

Thorn Bush

The fofo plant, is also known as the asparagus fern. While some see it as a symbol of good luck and protection, others believe it represents jealousy. This belief stems from the fofo plant’s thorny and aggressive nature.

The sharp thorns of the fofo plant are a metaphor for the way that jealousy can prick and harm those around us. Additionally, the plant’s tendency to spread and take over other plants is seen as a representation of how jealousy can consume and overshadow other emotions.

Of course, it’s important to remember that symbolism can vary depending on who you ask, and not everyone associates the fofo plant with jealousy.

7. Devil


The devil is seen as a tempter, luring us into envy and other destructive emotions with promises of power and control.

But there’s more to the devil than just temptation and evil. He’s also a figure of rebellion and nonconformity, challenging the status quo and pushing us to question our beliefs and assumptions.

The devil also serves as a reminder of the complexity and duality of human nature. While jealousy can certainly be a negative and harmful emotion, it can also be a catalyst for growth and change.

8. Evil Eye

Binami Evil Eye Lucky Necklace
Evil eye is a symbol of jealousy. See it here.

The evil eye is a curse or hex, cast by those who feel envy toward another person. In some cultures, it’s believed that the evil eye can cause physical or emotional harm, leading to illness or misfortune.

However, the evil eye can also represent the way jealousy can warp our perceptions of others. When we’re consumed by envy, it can be as if we’re seeing the world through a distorted lens, unable to appreciate the good in our own lives or the successes of others.

But don’t mix up the evil eye spell with the evil eye amulet. These are two different things. To put it simply, the spell is bad, while the amulet is good.

9. Dagger

The dagger is a potent and striking symbol of jealousy, representing the way that jealousy can cut deep and leave lasting scars. When we’re consumed by envy, it can be as if we’re holding a sharp and deadly weapon – one that we’re tempted to use against ourselves or others.

But the dagger can also represent the importance of self-awareness and self-reflection. Just as skilled swordsman must learn to control their blade and use it with precision, so too must we learn to control our emotions.

By understanding our own triggers and vulnerabilities, we can avoid falling victim to the sharp edge of jealousy and find a way to navigate our emotions with grace and poise.

Moreover, the dagger can also represent the way jealousy can be a double-edged sword – both a source of pain and a catalyst for growth. While it’s certainly true that envy can cause harm and suffering, it can also be a powerful motivator, pushing us to strive for our goals and reach new heights of success.

10. Vulture


While vultures may not be the first thing that comes to mind when we think of jealousy, these scavenging birds can certainly teach us a thing or two about envy.

After all, vultures are notorious for their competitive and cutthroat behavior – battling it out over scraps of food and territory. And just like jealous humans, they can become so consumed with their own desires that they lose sight of everything else around them.

But despite their reputation as ruthless opportunists, vultures also have a softer side. They’re devoted parents, nurturing their young and working together to keep their families fed and safe.

Like humans, they also have a complex social hierarchy, with different individuals jostling for position and status. So, while vultures may not be the most obvious symbol of jealousy, they do offer a unique perspective on the way competition and envy play out in the animal kingdom.

11. Broken Mirror

Broken mirror

According to popular belief, breaking a mirror can bring seven years of bad luck – which is enough to make anyone feel a little envious of their more fortunate friends. But broken mirrors can also represent the way jealousy distorts our view of the world around us.

Just as a shattered mirror can create a fragmented and distorted reflection, envy can warp our perceptions and make it difficult to see things clearly.

So, while broken mirrors may not be the most obvious symbol of jealousy, they do offer an interesting perspective on the way our emotions can color the way we see the world. And who knows – maybe breaking a mirror is just the thing we need to break free from our jealous tendencies and see things in a new light!

12. Scorpion


The scorpion may not directly symbolize jealousy, but these feisty arachnids do have some interesting connections to the green-eyed monster.

For one thing, scorpions are known for their defensive and territorial behavior – much like a jealous person might be protective of their possessions or relationships. And just like jealousy, scorpion stings can be painful and even dangerous if left unchecked.

But despite their prickly reputation, scorpions also have some positive qualities – like their resilience and adaptability in harsh environments. And let’s face it, with their creepy crawly appearance and venomous stingers, they’re certainly attention-grabbing!

13. Hydra

Hydra creature

The hydra, a mythical creature from ancient Greek mythology, is known for its many heads and regenerative abilities. It’s one of the lesser-known symbols of jealousy and has some interesting parallels to the way envy can multiply and spread.

Just like the hydra’s multiple heads, jealousy can manifest in many different ways – from small insecurities to all-consuming obsessions. And just like the hydra’s ability to regenerate its heads, envy can be difficult to defeat and can resurface even after we think we’ve conquered it.

However, despite these similarities, the hydra is also a symbol of resilience and strength. With its fierce determination and powerful abilities, it’s a reminder that we can overcome even the most formidable obstacles – including our own jealous tendencies.

14. Spider Web

Cobweb and Spider

Just like how a spider spins its web to catch its prey, jealousy can also trap us in a web of negative emotions and destructive thoughts.

Think about it – jealousy can consume our thoughts and emotions, much like a spider’s web can completely engulf its prey. And just like how a spider’s web is intricately woven, jealousy can also be tangled and complex, with various triggers and underlying causes.

However, in the same way, a spider’s web can be dismantled or broken, jealousy can also be overcome with time, effort, and self-reflection. The next time you’re feeling trapped in a web of envy, remember that you have the power to break free and move forward towards a happier, more positive mindset!

15. The Color Yellow

yellow colour

While the color green is typically associated with jealousy, in some cultures yellow symbolizes the same.

In Japanese folklore, for example, the “yellow-eyed demon” is a symbol of jealousy and envy. And in Western cultures, the phrase “yellow with envy” is often used to describe someone who is jealous.

So why yellow? Some believe it’s because yellow is associated with sickness and disease, which can be a metaphor for the toxic effects of envy. Others suggest that yellow’s bright and attention-grabbing nature can represent the way jealousy can make us feel like we’re in a spotlight, always being watched and compared to others.

Regardless of the reasons behind it, the use of yellow as a symbol of jealousy is an interesting example of how colors can hold powerful meanings in different cultures and contexts.

Wrapping Up

Symbols of jealousy can range from the well-known like the green-eyed monster and the evil eye, to the lesser known like the yellow color and spider webs. These symbols can be powerful representations of the negative emotions and destructive behaviors that can arise from envy and jealousy.

Whether it’s a serpent or a thorn bush, a vulture, or a broken mirror, these symbols can help us understand and recognize the various triggers and effects of jealousy in our lives. By acknowledging these symbols and the underlying emotions they represent, we can take steps to overcome jealousy and cultivate a more positive and fulfilling mindset.

So, the next time you feel the green-eyed monster creeping up on you, remember that you have the power to break free from its grasp and live your life with a sense of peace and contentment.

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Dani Rhys
Dani Rhys

Dani Rhys has worked as a writer and editor for over 15 years. She holds a Masters degree in Linguistics and Education, and has also studied Political Science, Ancient History and Literature. She has a wide range of interests ranging from ancient cultures and mythology to Harry Potter and gardening. She works as the chief editor of Symbol Sage but also takes the time to write on topics that interest her.