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Top 21 Symbols of Self-Love and What They Mean

Self-love is a crucial aspect of our emotional, mental, and physical well-being. It’s about accepting and valuing ourselves for who we are, while also recognizing our own needs and priorities.

However, in a world that often prioritizes productivity and external validation, it can be easy to forget to take care of ourselves and practice self-love.

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This is where symbols of self-love can come in handy. They serve as powerful reminders to prioritize our own well-being and cultivate a sense of self-love, compassion, and acceptance.

In this article, we’ll explore some common symbols of self-love and what they represent. We’ll also discuss how we can incorporate these symbols into our daily lives to cultivate a greater sense of self-love and inner peace.

1. Mirror

Grey Mirror

Mirrors are a symbol of self-love, as it reflects our image back to us and allow us to see ourselves as we are.

This can be both empowering and challenging, as we may see aspects of ourselves that we appreciate as well as those that we wish to change or improve.

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In many spiritual and personal development practices, the mirror is used as a tool for self-reflection and self-discovery.

By looking into the mirror and examining our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, we can gain greater insight into ourselves and develop a deeper sense of self-love and self-awareness.

Overall, the mirror can be a powerful symbol of self-love and self-discovery, as it allows us to see ourselves more clearly and embrace both our strengths and our challenges.

2. Sunflower


While the sunflower was not originally considered a symbol of self-love, it can certainly be interpreted in this way.

Sunflowers are known for their bright yellow petals and their ability to track the sun’s movement throughout the day, which has led to associations with happiness, optimism, and growth.

In recent years, the sunflower has also become associated with the concept of self-love, as it’s seen as a symbol of embracing one’s own unique qualities and basking in one’s own light.

The sunflower’s ability to turn towards the sun can be interpreted as a metaphor for turning towards one’s own inner light and radiance, and for embracing and loving oneself fully.

Therefore, while the sunflower may not have originally been intended as a symbol of self-love, it has taken on new meanings in modern times and can certainly be used in this context.

3. Lotus flower

Pink and White Lotus Flower

The lotus flower is often considered a symbol of self-love and self-discovery. In many Eastern spiritual traditions, the lotus flower is associated with purity, enlightenment, and spiritual growth.

The lotus flower’s ability to grow out of the mud and rise above the water to bloom in the sunlight has led to associations with transformation and renewal.

This can be seen as a metaphor for the process of self-discovery and self-love, as we must first acknowledge and embrace our own inner struggles and challenges before, we can truly grow and blossom into our full potential.

Overall, the lotus flower can be a powerful symbol of self-love and self-discovery, as it reminds us that even in the midst of difficulties and challenges, we have the power to rise above and become our best selves.

4. Labyrinth

Top view of Labyrinth

The labyrinth is a complex and winding path that leads to a central point and is often used as a tool for meditation and spiritual reflection.

As people navigate the labyrinth, they’re forced to confront their own thoughts, feelings, and emotions, and to let go of distractions and external influences.

This can be seen as a metaphor for the process of self-discovery and self-love, as they must journey inward and confront their own inner struggles and challenges in order to reach a place of greater understanding and acceptance.

Overall, the labyrinth can be a powerful symbol of self-love and personal growth, as it encourages people to embrace their own unique paths and navigate the complexities of life with greater awareness and understanding.

5. Butterfly

Black and white butterfly

The butterfly starts out as a caterpillar and undergoes a profound transformation process before emerging as a beautiful and graceful butterfly.

This transformation process can be seen as a metaphor for the process of self-discovery and self-love.

Like the butterfly, a person must often go through a process of inner transformation and growth before they can fully embrace and love themselves. The butterfly can also be seen as a symbol of freedom and liberation, as it emerges from its cocoon and spreads its wings to fly.

6. Heart

Pink heart

While the heart is commonly associated with love and affection, it’s not necessarily considered a symbol of self-love specifically.

In popular culture and literature, the heart is often associated with romantic love and emotions, such as passion, devotion, and desire.

However, in recent years, there’s been a growing movement to use the heart as a symbol of self-love and self-care.

This involves embracing the idea that love and care for oneself are just as important as love for others.

This movement seeks to encourage individuals to prioritize their own well-being and cultivate a healthy and positive relationship with themselves.

While the heart may not have originally been considered a symbol of self-love, its association with love and caring can certainly be applied to the practice of self-love and self-care.

7. Flower Mandala

Mandala art

Many use the Mandala as a tool for meditation, and as meditation is associated with self-discovery and self-care, the Mandala is associated with those concepts.

Mandala is a Sanskrit word that means “circle” or “center”. The flower mandala is a circular design made up of various flowers arranged in a symmetrical pattern.

Creating and meditating on flower mandalas can help individuals to connect with their inner selves and to cultivate a sense of inner peace and harmony.

By focusing on the intricate and beautiful patterns of the mandala, individuals can let go of their thoughts and emotions and enter a state of deep relaxation and self-awareness.

8. Peacock


The peacock is a popular symbol of self-love due to its striking beauty and confident demeanor. With its bright and colorful plumage, this majestic bird exudes a sense of self-assurance and pride.

The peacock is also associated with the qualities of honor, nobility, and prosperity. These traits can be seen as reflections of an individual’s inner confidence, self-worth, and self-love.

The peacock’s ability to shed its feathers and regrow them every year can be seen as a symbol of renewal and growth, which are essential aspects of self-love.

Overall, the peacock can serve as a powerful symbol of self-love, reminding us of the importance of embracing our own unique beauty and inner strength.

9. Rhodochrosite

Rhodochrosite Crystal Bracelet
Rhodochrosite Crystal Bracelet. See it here.

Rhodochrosite is a beautiful pink and white banded gemstone. It’s believed to help individuals connect with their own heart center and to cultivate a deeper sense of self-love and acceptance.

Aside from its association with self-love, this stone also represents balance, harmony, and emotional healing. It’s believed to help release negative emotions and traumas from the past, allowing individuals to move forward with a greater sense of self-awareness and inner peace.

Overall, this stone can be seen as a powerful symbol of self-love and emotional healing, reminding us of the importance of connecting with our own hearts and nurturing ourselves with love and compassion.

10. Amaryllis Flower

Amaryllis Trio Bulb Garden
Amaryllis flower. See it here.

The amaryllis flower symbolizes radiant beauty and strength, so it’s no wonder that it’s also associated with self-love.

This stunning bloom, with its bold and vibrant colors, represents the confidence and self-assurance that come from within.

Its tall and sturdy stem reminds us to stand tall and embrace our unique qualities, while its striking petals inspire us to celebrate our own beauty.

But the symbolism of the amaryllis goes even deeper. Legend has it that a beautiful maiden named Amaryllis was hopelessly in love with a cold-hearted shepherd, who cared more for his flock than for her.

Determined to win his love, Amaryllis pierced her heart with a golden arrow every day for thirty days, until a stunning red flower bloomed where her blood had fallen.

This flower became known as the amaryllis, a testament to the power of self-love and the willingness to fight for what we desire.

11. Circle

Person Holding Lensball

The circle has long been a symbol of unity and completeness, but it can also represent self-love.

The circular shape has no beginning or end, and this endless flow reminds us that we are whole and complete just as we are.

It reminds us that we are enough, just as we are, and that we don’t need anyone or anything else to complete us.

The circle can also represent the cyclical nature of life, and the importance of self-care and self-love in each of those cycles.

As we move through the ups and downs of life, it’s important to remember that we deserve love and compassion, even during our darkest moments.

It also reminds us that self-love is not a one-time event, but rather a continuous practice that requires effort and commitment.

12. Hamsa Hand

Hamsa Hand Necklace
Hamsa Hand Necklace. See it here.

The Hamsa hand, also known as the Hand of Fatima or the Hand of Miriam, is a symbol of protection, power, and strength. It’s believed to offer protection from negative energies and to bring good luck and fortune to those who wear or display it.

In addition to its protective qualities, the Hamsa hand can also be seen as a symbol of self-love and self-care. The hand is often depicted with an eye in the center, representing awareness and inner wisdom.

This reminds us of the importance of cultivating a deeper sense of self-awareness and self-love in order to navigate life’s challenges with confidence and strength.

13. Water Droplet


Water droplets are regarded as symbols of self-love because of their representation of renewal, purity, and vitality.

Water is often associated with cleansing and purification, reminding us of the importance of letting go of old patterns and beliefs that no longer serve us in order to make way for new growth and transformation.

The water droplet is also associated with the qualities of clarity, flow, and renewal.

These traits can be seen as reflections of an individual’s own inner growth and renewal, reminding us to cultivate a sense of self-love and self-care as we move through life’s challenges and changes.

14. Angel Wings

Angel Sculpture Praying

While angel wings are typically seen as symbols of protection, guidance, and spiritual growth, they can also be interpreted as a symbol of self-love.

The wings can represent a sense of freedom and lightness, symbolizing the idea of rising above challenges and difficulties in order to achieve greater spiritual and emotional growth.

They also represent the idea of protection, serving as a reminder that we are worthy of love and care, both from ourselves and from others.

The angel wings can serve as a powerful symbol of self-love, encouraging us to embrace our own inner strength and cultivate a sense of self-care and self-compassion as we navigate life’s ups and downs.

15. Pink Ribbon

Pink ribbon

Although the pink ribbon is famous for its association with breast cancer awareness, it’s also regarded as a symbol of self-love and self-care.

By raising awareness and encouraging individuals to prioritize their own health, the pink ribbon serves as a powerful symbol of self-love, inspiring individuals to take care of themselves both physically and emotionally.

The ribbon can also represent the strength and resilience of those who have been affected by breast cancer, and the importance of self-compassion and self-care during difficult times.

16. Self-Hug


Hugs are often a two-way expression – they are given by someone and received by another. Because of that, we tend to forget that hugs can be a one-way transaction, too – something given and received by the self.

When you hug yourself, it’s just the same as hugging another person. You express your consolation, comfort, support, love, and other feelings. The only difference is that the recipient is yourself, too!

Some people have self-hug symbols tattooed on their skin as a reminder. But if inking your skin is not an option you’d go for, you can always have these images as your screensaver or lock screen or just posted on your wall to see on the days you need them.

17. Narcissus

Narcissus flowers
Narcissus represents self-love. See it here.

The narcissus flower holds a symbolic connection to self-love. Named after the Greek mythological figure Narcissus, who fell in love with his own reflection, this flower embodies the concept of self-admiration. The narcissus bloom emerges with graceful elegance, showcasing vibrant hues and delicate petals.

Its beauty serves as a reminder to appreciate oneself fully. By embracing the narcissus flower as a symbol of self-love, we learn to recognize our own worth and nurture a healthy relationship with ourselves. Just as the flower stands tall and confident, we can cultivate self-love by embracing our uniqueness and cherishing our own inner beauty.

18. Rose

Classic Love Red Rose Bouquet
Rose a symbol of self-love. See it here.

While the rose flower is commonly associated with love and romance, it can also be seen as a symbol of self-love. The rose’s exquisite beauty and captivating fragrance reminds us of the importance of caring for ourselves emotionally and spiritually. Just as we tend to a rose garden, nurturing the plants with attention and care, we can apply the same principles to our own well-being.

Embracing self-love means acknowledging our own worth, honoring our needs, and treating ourselves with kindness and compassion. The rose serves as a gentle reminder to prioritize self-care and cultivate a deep appreciation and love for ourselves, blossoming into our fullest potential.

19. Celtic Love Symbols

Infinity Celtic Knot Heart Pendant
Celtic Love Symbols represents self-love. See it here.

Celtic love symbols, with their rich history and deep meanings, can be connected to self-love. These symbols often embody concepts of interconnectedness, balance, and spiritual growth, which are essential elements of self-love.

For example, the Triskele symbolizes the three aspects of personal development: mind, body, and spirit, encouraging a holistic approach to self-care. The Claddagh ring, with its heart (love), hands (friendship), and crown (loyalty), represents self-love as the foundation for healthy relationships with others.

The Tree of Life symbolizes inner strength and personal growth, reflecting the importance of self-nurturing and self-empowerment. Embracing Celtic love symbols can inspire individuals to foster self-love, creating a solid foundation for their overall well-being.

20. Infinity Symbol

Infinity symbol

The infinity symbol holds profound meaning when it comes to self-love. Representing endless love, it serves as a reminder that self-love knows no bounds and is not limited by time or conditions.

Embracing the infinity symbol encourages us to cultivate a love for ourselves that is infinite, unconditional, and everlasting. It invites us to let go of self-judgment and embrace self-acceptance.

By recognizing our inherent worth and embracing our authentic selves, we tap into the infinite reservoir of love within us. The infinity symbol inspires us to prioritize self-care, nurture our well-being, and cultivate a deep sense of love and appreciation for who we are.

21. Feather

white feathers

Feathers represent freedom, lightness, and grace. As a symbol of self-love, a feather reminds us to embrace our individuality and honor our unique qualities. It encourages us to let go of self-criticism and instead nurture self-acceptance and self-care.

Just as a feather effortlessly floats in the wind, self-love allows us to release the weight of judgment and embrace a sense of inner lightness. It symbolizes the importance of self-expression, self-compassion, and the ability to soar above challenges, fostering a deep appreciation and love for ourselves along the journey of personal growth.

Wrapping Up

The symbols listed in this article are just a few of many out there that represent self-love.

These symbols can signify different aspects of self-love, including compassion, acceptance, confidence, growth, and transformation.

Whether it’s a heart, lotus flower, butterfly, mirror, sunflower, or any other symbol, the important thing is that it serves as a reminder to cultivate a sense of self-love, self-compassion, and self-care.

By incorporating these symbols into our daily lives, we can create a greater sense of awareness and connection with ourselves, fostering a deeper sense of self-love and inner peace.

Ultimately, this can lead to greater overall health and well-being, as we learn to prioritize our own needs and nurture our own growth and transformation.

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