The Vesica Piscis: An Ancient Symbol in Geometry and Faith

The Vesica Piscis symbol is named after the Latin phrase for “fish bladder” as its shape loosely resembles that organ in fish. The symbol is often called by ...

History of the Fish as a Christian Symbol

Although the cross has been the core symbol of Christianity for centuries, the symbol of the Ichthys fish also has an important place in Christianity and a ...

St. Homobonus – The Catholic Patron Saint of Businessmen

St. Homobonus is a special kind of saint. He’s a saint that didn’t work to divorce himself from material things and riches but who used his successful ...

Pentecostal vs. Protestant – What Are the Differences?

Pentecostalism is one of the fastest-growing religious movements in the world today, with more than 600 million adherents worldwide. This number represents ...

The Tower of Babel – What Exactly Was It?

The Tower of Babel is a Jewish and Christian origin myth which seeks to explain the multiplicity of languages on earth. The narrative is found in Genesis ...

Cherubim: The Powerful Angels of Abrahamic Religions

During Valentine’s Day, pictures of Cherubim riddle stores and fill our imaginations. These winged, chubby children shoot their heart-shaped arrows at ...

Fallen Angels – Who Are They?

The topic of fallen angels is primarily related to the Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The term “fallen angel(s)” does not appear ...

Satan vs. Lucifer – What’s the Difference?

Most religious traditions believe in the existence of an evil or rebellious being that can be identified as the devil. This being is perhaps most ...

Abstinence vs. Celibacy – What’s the Difference?

Abstinence and celibacy are two of the most personal decisions you can make. While the two terms are often used interchangeably, they in fact have different ...

Seraphim Angels –  Meaning and Importance

Angels have been with humanity for time immemorial. As far back as ancient Greece and Babylon, there are records of fiery humanoid creatures that intervene ...