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Viking Symbols: The Stories Behind the Ancient Icons

The Vikings were a fierce and formidable group of people, known for their conquests, raids, and battles throughout history. But what many people don’t know is that they also had a deep appreciation for symbolism and spirituality.  

In fact, the Vikings had many symbols that represented different aspects of their culture, including strength, courage, and bravery. These symbols were often used in their art, clothing, and even their weapons.  

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In this article, we’ll explore 15 of the most powerful Viking symbols of strength, and what they meant to this remarkable culture.  

1. Aegishjalmur (Helm of Awe) 

helm of awe symbol
Helm of Awe

Aegishjalmur, also known as the Helm of Awe, is one of the most powerful and enigmatic symbols in Viking culture.  

Its intricate design is said to embody the strength, courage, and fearlessness of the Viking warriors who wore it into battle. The symbol was believed to have the power to instill fear and confusion in their enemies and to protect the wearer from harm. 

What makes Aegishjalmur unique is that its origins and true meaning are shrouded in mystery. Some believe it was derived from ancient Norse magic, while others believe it may have been inspired by the intricate patterns found in nature.  

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What is clear, however, is that Aegishjalmur continues to hold a significant place in Viking culture and remains a popular symbol of strength and protection today. 

2. Valknut (Knot of the Slain) 

Valknut Symbol
Valknut Symbol

The Valknut, or Knot of the Slain, is comprised of three interlocking triangles, which are believed to represent the interconnectedness of life, death, and the afterlife.  

The symbol was associated with Odin, the chief god of Norse mythology, and was said to be a symbol of his power and strength. 

One little-known fact about the Valknut is that it’s often found engraved on runestones and burial markers throughout Scandinavia. In some cases, it’s accompanied by inscriptions that suggest it was associated with the concept of resurrection and the afterlife.  

This has led some scholars to speculate that the Valknut may have been a symbol of the rebirth and regeneration of the soul after death. It was used as a powerful reminder to the living to honor and remember their ancestors. 

Some believe this symbol was used as a talisman of protection, while others believe it was associated with the ritual sacrifice of warriors in battle.  

3. Mjolnir (Thor’s Hammer) 

Triquetra symbol in Mjolnir

Mjolnir was a hammer, the favored weapon of the Norse god of thunder, Thor, believed to embody the power of lightning and thunder.  

The design of the hammer, with its short handle and large head, made it a formidable weapon in battle, and its ability to control the elements made it a powerful symbol of protection and strength. 

In Norse mythology, Mjolnir was also used to sanctify important events and ceremonies, such as marriages, births, and funerals.  

It was believed that the hammer could bless these occasions with its divine power, bringing protection and good fortune to those who participated.  

Today, Mjolnir is still revered as a symbol of strength and courage, and it continues to inspire people around the world to embrace their inner warriors and fight for what they believe in. 

4. Gungnir (Odin’s Spear) 

odin spear
Image: Public Domain

Gungnir is the spear of Odin, the Allfather of Norse mythology. It’s a symbol of strength and power in Viking culture.  

The spear was said to be imbued with magical properties that made it an unstoppable weapon in battle. In fact, it was believed that whoever held Gungnir was guaranteed victory, as the spear always found its target and never missed. 

Beyond its use in battle, Gungnir was also associated with wisdom and knowledge. As Odin was the god of wisdom, it was believed that Gungnir represented his ability to pierce through the veil of ignorance and reveal the truth. 

The unique design of Gungnir, with its sharp point and long handle, made it a versatile weapon that could be used in both close combat and from a distance.  

Its reputation as an unbeatable weapon and its association with Odin’s wisdom and knowledge make Gungnir a well-known symbol of strength and power. 

5. Troll Cross 

This one is a little controversial. Some believe that the Troll Cross, also known as Trolle’s Cross, is an ancient Norse symbol. However, there is evidence that indicates that the Troll Cross is actually a more recent creation. 

Whether ancient or recent, the Troll Cross is believed to ward off evil spirits and protect against harm.  

The Troll Cross is often depicted as a simple iron cross with bent arms, forming a shape similar to the letter “Y”.  

Its rugged appearance and association with the wilderness reflect the resilience and strength of the Viking people, who had to endure harsh conditions and fight against formidable foes to survive.  

6. Yggdrasil (World Tree) 

Yggdrasil world tree
Image: Public Domain

Yggdrasil is the mighty tree that connects the nine worlds of Norse mythology. As a powerful tree, it’s a symbol of strength and endurance in Viking culture.  

Its branches reach up to the heavens, while its roots extend deep into the earth, symbolizing the interconnectedness of all things in the universe. 

The tree’s resilience and ability to thrive in even the harshest conditions make it a powerful symbol of strength and endurance. Despite facing constant challenges and adversity, Yggdrasil continues to stand strong and provide a link between the different realms of existence. 

According to Norse mythology, the tree’s leaves and branches provided sustenance for the animals that lived in the nine worlds, including the eagle that perched on its highest branches. Yggdrasil’s ability to provide nourishment and support to all those who depended on it further cemented its status as a symbol of strength and resilience.  

7. Vegvisir (Viking Compass) 

Vegvisir symbol

One of the most well-known Norse symbols, the Vegvisir is a compass of sorts. This Viking symbol is said to guide travelers through even the most treacherous conditions. However, its historical authenticity and use as a navigational tool during the Viking era are subject to debate, as the earliest known reference to it comes from a 17th-century Icelandic manuscript.  

In addition to its navigational powers, Vegvisir is a symbol of strength and resilience. Its ability to guide travelers through rough waters and unknown territories reflects the Viking spirit of adventure and determination, as well as its unwavering commitment to overcoming any obstacle. 

8. Huginn and Muninn (Odin’s Ravens) 

two ravens

Huginn and Muninn are two ravens who served as the eyes and ears of the god Odin. Their intelligence, perception, and unflinching loyalty have made them a symbol of strength and wisdom in Viking culture. 

According to legend, Odin would send Huginn (meaning “thought“) and Muninn (meaning “memory“) out each day to gather information from across the nine worlds of Norse mythology.  

The ravens would then return to Odin and share their findings, giving him a strategic advantage in battles and allowing him to stay informed about events throughout the realms. 

The unwavering loyalty and tenacity of Huginn and Muninn embody the Viking spirit of strength and resilience.  

The ravens’ ability to navigate between the different worlds of Norse mythology and bring back valuable information demonstrates the power of knowledge and the importance of strategy in overcoming challenges. 

9. Boar 


The boar symbolizes strength and ferocity, embodying the Viking spirit of tenacity and perseverance.  

The boar’s impressive physical strength and fearless nature made it a formidable opponent in battle, and its ability to survive in even the harshest environments symbolized the resilience and adaptability of the Viking people. 

The boar’s status as a symbol of strength is further cemented by its association with the god Freyr, who is often depicted riding a boar named Gullinbursti. This legendary boar possessed magical properties, including the ability to shine brightly and illuminate even the darkest corners of the world. 

Beyond its practical uses, the boar’s association with Freyr and other Norse deities has also imbued it with spiritual significance. Its status as a sacred animal and symbol of strength and vitality has made it a popular subject in Viking art and iconography. 

10. Wolf 

Grey wolf

In Viking culture, the wolf holds a significant place as a symbol of strength, power, and cunning. Wolves were a common sight in the harsh and rugged landscapes of Scandinavia, and their ability to survive in such a challenging environment was greatly respected by the Vikings. 

The wolf also held a place of spiritual significance in Norse mythology. The god Odin was often depicted in the company of wolves, and the warrior elite known as the berserkers were said to draw their strength and ferocity from the spirit of the wolf. 

In addition to their association with Odin and the berserkers, wolves were also viewed as protectors of the land and guardians of the natural world. This deep reverence for the wolf’s strength, intelligence, and loyalty is what has made this animal a beloved symbol in Viking art and culture. 

11. Bear 


The bear was an animal highly respected and revered by the Vikings as a symbol of strength, courage, and endurance.  

The Vikings were known to live in harsh and unforgiving environments, where survival required strength, resilience, and fearlessness – qualities that the bear represented in spades.  

In Viking mythology, the bear was associated with the god Odin, who was known to possess the strength and ferocity of a bear when called upon to defend his realm.  

Additionally, this majestic animal was also revered as a symbol of the natural world and its cycles of life, death, and rebirth, as it hibernated through the winter only to emerge strong and rejuvenated in the spring.  

The Vikings saw the bear as a powerful ally and protector, and its image was often used in art and iconography to represent strength and courage in battle.  

12. Axe 

viking axe
The axe is a symbol of strength and courage. See it here.

The Viking axe was not just a tool for chopping wood, but also a weapon that symbolized strength, skill, and courage. It was an essential tool for the Vikings, who used it for their survival in their harsh environment. 

In battle, the axe was a formidable weapon that could easily be cleaved through armor and bone. It required great strength and skill to wield effectively, and those who mastered the axe were highly respected by their peers.  

The axe also had symbolic significance, representing the power and authority of the warrior class. It was usually adorned with intricate carvings and runes, adding to its visual impact and spiritual significance. 

Today, this weapon continues to inspire people as a symbol of strength and courage in the face of adversity. Its legacy serves as a reminder of the importance of perseverance, determination, and skill in achieving one’s goals and overcoming life’s challenges. 

13. Shield 

vikings shield

The Vikings used the shield as a piece of armor used for defense as well as a powerful symbol of strength, unity, and protection. It was the most crucial weapon of the Viking warriors, and they relied on it to keep themselves and their fellow warriors safe in the midst of battle. 

The Viking shield was not only practical but also highly symbolic. It was often decorated with intricate designs and symbols that represented the warrior’s lineage, status, and personal beliefs.

The shield also acted as a canvas for Viking artists, who used it as a medium to showcase their skills and creativity. 

The shield’s significance extended beyond the battlefield, serving as a powerful emblem of the Viking people’s collective identity and strength. It was a tangible representation of their unity and determination to protect their land and way of life. 

14. Horn 

vikings horn

In Viking society, the horn held a special place both as a practical object and a symbol of strength. Primarily, horns were used as drinking vessels during feasts and gatherings, showcasing the communal and celebratory aspects of Viking life. These occasions often involved passing the horn around, signifying bonds of kinship and solidarity among warriors and community members.

The horn’s significance extended beyond its use as a drinking vessel. It also played a role in Norse mythology and art. For example, in mythological contexts, horns were sometimes portrayed as containers of mead or other significant liquids, though these were not directly linked with Odin’s sacrifice for wisdom.

Moreover, horns were used for signaling in various contexts. In times of war or raids, they served as instruments to call warriors to arms or to signal different stages of battle. The resonant sound of the horn, carrying across long distances, made it an effective tool for communication in both warfare and in certain ceremonies.

In Viking art and iconography, the horn motif appears in various forms, symbolizing strength, unity, and the rich cultural practices of feasting and celebration. Its enduring presence in artifacts and depictions underscores its importance in the Viking era.

Wrapping Up

Viking symbols of strength are powerful and fascinating. They not only represent physical strength but also mental and emotional strength. These symbols continue to inspire and empower people today, as they did centuries ago.  

Whether it’s the courage of the wolf or the resilience of Yggdrasil, these symbols serve as reminders of the perseverance and determination of the Viking people.

By understanding and embracing the significance of these symbols, we too can tap into our own inner strength and overcome life’s challenges. 

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Dani Rhys
Dani Rhys

Dani Rhys has worked as a writer and editor for over 15 years. She holds a Masters degree in Linguistics and Education, and has also studied Political Science, Ancient History and Literature. She has a wide range of interests ranging from ancient cultures and mythology to Harry Potter and gardening. She works as the chief editor of Symbol Sage but also takes the time to write on topics that interest her.