Zen Symbols Explained: A Path to Eastern Wisdom

Zen symbolism is at the core of most of the ancient Chinese religions and is alive and well to this day. Popular across the world, Zen is also often somewhat misunderstood.

What exactly is Zen, and what are the most popular Zen symbols?

1. The Ensō Circle

Enso golden wall art. See it here.

The Ensō Circle is a sacred symbol in Zen Buddhism and is very frequently seen in Japanese calligraphy, even though it’s not an actual calligraphy character. It’s also called The Circle of Enlightenment and The Infinity Circle. You can also see it called The Lost Symbol of Reiki.

The most common interpretation of the Ensō Circle is that it represents a moment of complete mindfulness – a time when the mind is free and the body can create easily.

2. Yin and Yang

yin and yang meaning

The most famous Taoist symbol, Yin and Yang represents the balance of all opposing forces in the Universe – “good” and “evil”, femininity and masculinity, and various other dualities.

Yin and Yang represents harmony and peace in motion, which why it’s a core concept in any Zen teaching.

3. Om (Aum)

Om wooden wall décor. See it here.

The Om or Aum symbol is a Hindu syllable that’s common in Zen Buddhism and in other Eastern religions. This symbol represents the sacred sound that’s believed to be the sound of the universe.

Followers of many ancient traditions associate this sound and its corresponding visual symbol as a core part of their meditation and a key component of their attempt to connect with the natural flow of the universe.

4. The Swastika

swastika symbol

Before its symbolism was tainted by the 20th century Nazi movement, the Swastika was a key symbol in Hinduism, Buddhism, and other Eastern religions. It represents harmony, good karma, as well as energy.

In Buddhism, the Swastika is also viewed as the seal to Buddha’s heart. It’s also said that the Swastika contains within it all of Buddha’s psyche.

In China, the Swastika symbol represents the number 10,000 or wan and is associated with limitness and propitiousness.

Most East Asian religions still use the Swastika and their followers hope that as the Nazi movement fades into obscurity and people grow to know and love the Eastern religions and philosophies, the Swastika will once again be associated with its ancient positive meanings. 

5. Mala Beads

Mala beads

The mala recreational beads are usually hung on string. There are typically either 9, 21, or 108 beads per mala string.

The symbolism of the mala bead strings is that each bead represents a single person but that all individuals are connected to one another.

They are meant to represent life and how you can’t move one person without moving another.

6. The Lotus Flower

Pink and White Lotus Flower

In Zen Buddhism and in other Eastern religions, the Lotus flower symbolizes people’s path through life and their ascension into Nirvana.

The Lotus flower sprouts from the mud grow through the water and display its magnificence above the water’s surface.

It’s a symbol of purity, enlightenment, and keeping oneself apart from the murky aspects of life. The Lotus flower is often incorporated into other spiritual symbols, like the unalome.

7. The Hamsa Hand

Hamsa hand geometry tattoo

A common symbol in many religions, including Islam, the Hamsa Hand means different things depending on which religious tradition you ask.

Drawn as a hand palm raised upwards with an eye in its center, in Zen Buddhism, the Hamsa Hand represents the interplay of a person’s chakras, the flow of the energy between them, the five senses, and the mudras that affect them. 

8. Dharmachakra – The Eight-Spoked Wheel

Dharma wheel symbolism

A lesser-known but a key symbol of Zen Buddhism, the Dharmachakra Eight-Spoked Wheel represents both the Buddha and Buddhist philosophy.

The center of this symbol is a lotus flower which symbolizes Buddha himself. From the flower, eight paths emanate that symbolize the eight paths to wisdom and Zen.

Zen – a Type of Buddhism, Taoism, or Something Else?

The concept of Zen can be found in various religions, philosophies, and cultures throughout East Asia. The term “Zen” is actually not Chinese – it’s derived from the Japanese pronunciation of the Chinese term chán, an abbreviation of chánnà.

That term itself is a Chinese translation of the Sanskrit word dhyāna which means meditation – this is viewed as the original meaning of Zen.

Regardless of which of the three terms we use, Zen is associated with peace, mindfulness, awareness, insight, and the nature of the human mind. This is pretty much how most East Asian religious view Zen.

In Taoism, for example, Zen is often used as a synonym of Tao, or The Way, i.e. the order of the Universe which the Taoists try to follow as they live their life.

As Taoism is the oldest Chinese religion, it’s viewed as the first to adopt Zen.

Zen is also featured in Buddhism – in fact, there’s a whole separate type of Zen Buddhism, which is a mixture of Indian Mahayana Buddhism and Taoism.

In this type of Buddhism, Zen encompasses a wide range of religious practices, traditions, and beliefs. Many of the symbols we view as “Zen symbols” today come from Zen Buddhism with many others also featuring in Taoism, Confucianism, and even Islam.

Wrapping Up

Zen symbols are typically minimalist in nature and represent concepts such as mindfulness, peace, enlightenment, purity, harmony, and completeness.

Their simple design yet deep symbolism is what makes them popular across the spiritual world.

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Yordan Zhelyazkov
Yordan Zhelyazkov

Yordan Zhelyazkov is a published fantasy author and an experienced copywriter. While he has degrees in both Creative Writing and Marketing, much of his research and work are focused on history and mythology. He’s been working in the field for years and has amassed a great deal of knowledge on Norse, Greek, Egyptian, Mesoamerican, Japanese mythology, and others.