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User Posts: Dani Rhys
Cherubim: The Powerful Angels of Abrahamic Religions

During Valentine’s Day, pictures of Cherubim riddle stores and fill our imaginations. These winged, chubby children shoot their heart-shaped arrows at ...

Celtic Bull – Meaning and Symbolism

In Celtic culture, bulls are an important animal, who appear in many tales, serving as a powerful symbol. The bull was sometimes sacrificed to appease the ...

Fallen Angels – Who Are They?

The topic of fallen angels is primarily related to the Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The term “fallen angel(s)” does not appear ...

Satan vs. Lucifer – What’s the Difference?

Most religious traditions believe in the existence of an evil or rebellious being that can be identified as the devil. This being is perhaps most ...

Symbolism of the Birch Tree

Native to the northern hemisphere and some parts of Asia, birch trees are highly valued for their medicinal properties and are used for commercial purposes. ...

Mimosa Flower – Meaning and Symbolism

A deciduous plant native to North Africa, Asia, and the Middle East, the Mimosa tree is known as the ‘night sleeper’ or the ‘Persian silk tree’. Most people ...

Clock Symbolism – What Does it Mean?

The measurement of time originated back in ancient Egypt, around 1500 B.C. The Egyptians understood the concept of time and recognized the importance of ...

Light Bulb Symbolism – What It Means

Over the years, the light bulb has been a popular symbol of creative ideas, featured in cartoons and movies around the world. However, the light bulb has ...

Cherry Blossom Flower – Meaning and Symbolism

When browsing through pictures of Japan, it’s like you may have seen some of its national parks, imperial gardens, and sacred temples covered with gorgeous ...

Abstinence vs. Celibacy – What’s the Difference?

Abstinence and celibacy are two of the most personal decisions you can make. While the two terms are often used interchangeably, they in fact have different ...

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