Coatlicue was an Aztec goddess who played a critical role in Aztec mythology. She is the mother of the moon, stars, and the sun, and her myths are tied ...
With five major volcanoes, two of which are among the most active in the world, Hawaii has long ago developed a strong faith in Pele, the goddess of fire, ...
For most of Aztec history, Huitzilopochtli was worshipped as the patron deity of the Aztec empire. In his name the Aztecs built gigantic temples, performed ...
The Aztecs were a Mesoamerican people who lived in Mexico from the years 1300-1500. The Aztec empire consisted of various ethnic groups, cultures, and ...
One of the most powerful native empires of South America, the Incas first appeared in the Andes region during the 12th century CE. The Incas were highly ...
The Aztec civilization, just like those of the Maya, Inca, and the other major Mesoamerican and South American civilizations, was steeped in religious and ...
Mictlantecuhtli is one of the principal gods of the Aztecs and one of the strangest characters in the world’s many mythologies. As a god of death, ...
An element taken from the New Age Movement, the Native American zodiac gained popularity during the last decades of the 20th century. It’s supposed to help ...
Kokopelli is an interesting symbol, featuring a hunchbacked flute player. The first images of Kokopelli appeared on Hohokam pottery over 1000 years ago. ...
The Aztecs associated the cycle of rain with agriculture, land fertility, and prosperity. This is why Tlaloc, the god of rain, enjoyed a prominent place ...
The Aztec or Mexica calendar is one of several prominent Mesoamerican calendars. However, as the Aztec empire was in its heyday at the time of the arrival ...
Kukulkan is simultaneously one of the best-known and the most mysterious deities of Central America. The main god of the Yucatec Maya in the Yucatan ...