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User Posts: Dani Rhys
The Multifaceted Meanings of Eagle Tattoos: Power and Pride

The eagle is a large, majestic and predatory bird and a popular choice in tattoos, thanks to its majestic look and meaningful symbolism.  It represents ...

Lakshmi – The Story of the Hindu Goddess of Wealth

Hinduism is known for being a polytheistic religion with many influential deities. Lakshmi is a primordial goddess in India, known for her role as a mother ...

Goddess Kali: The Hindu Mother, Warrior, and Protector

Kali was a mighty and frightening deity in Hinduism, a complex goddess with both negative and positive meanings associated with her. Today, she is seen as a ...

Gorgoneion: The Ancient Emblem of Fear and Protection

The Gorgoneion is a protection symbol, featuring the head of a Gorgon, a mythical creature often portrayed in ancient literature. It was used to protect ...

Decoding Bellona: Rome’s Influential Goddess of War

War deities have been an important aspect of almost every ancient civilization and mythology. Rome was no exception. Considering that the Roman Empire is ...

Svarog – Slavic God of Creation, Celestial Fire, and Blacksmithing

Svarog was a Slavic creator god, who reigned over all aspects of creation, including the spirits of the dead. The name Svarog is derived from the Sanskrit ...

Asteria – The Titan Goddess of the Falling Stars

Asteria was the Titan goddess of the stars in Greek mythology. She was also the goddess of nighttime divinations, including astrology and oneiromancy (the ...

What Exactly is the Manaia Symbol?

The Maori civilization did not have a written language, making their symbols paramount in their culture. There are many Maori symbols that are popular ...

Greek vs. Roman Gods – What are the Differences?

The Greek and Roman mythologies were among the most influential of ancient times. The Roman mythology borrowed most of Greek mythology wholesale, which is ...

Roman Mythology

Roman Mythology Much of Roman mythology was imported from other sources, most notably from Greek mythology. But, ...

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