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Osram ne Nsoromma is an Adinkra symbol that was created by the Bono people of Ghana. It’s regarded as a symbol of fondness, harmony, love, and faithfulness.
What is Osram ne Nsoromma?
Osram ne Nsoromma is an Akan symbol meaning ‘Moon and Star’. It’s depicted as a half-moon with the two ends facing upward resembling a bowl. Above the moon is a star hanging within its circumference.
This symbol is commonly found incorporated into walls and various other architectural features. It has also become a popular symbol among tattoo enthusiasts and is also used in fashion and jewelry. The Akan people extensively printed Osram ne Nsoromma symbols on fabrics and also used it in pottery.
Symbolism of Osram ne Nsoromma
The Osram ne Nsoromma symbol represents love, faithfulness, and bonding in marriage. It’s created by putting two different celestial objects of creation together, both of which produce brightness and light at night.
Osram ne Nsoromma also symbolizes fondness, benevolence, loyalty, femininity, and harmony. Its meaning stems from the African proverb: ‘Kyekye pe awaree’, meaning ‘The North Star loves marriage. She is always waiting up in the sky for the moon to return (her husband)’.
As a symbol, it reflects the harmony that exists in the bond between a woman and a man. There are several Akan proverbs on marriage, related to this symbol.
Translated, the symbol means ‘the moon and the star’.
The symbol is represented by a crescent moon placed on its curve, like a bowl, with a star above it. The star resembles a small wheel.
What Are Adinkra Symbols?
Adinkra are a collection of West African symbols that are known for their symbolism, meaning and decorative features. They have decorative functions, but their primary use is to represent concepts related to traditional wisdom, aspects of life, or the environment.
Adinkra symbols are named after their original creator King Nana Kwadwo Agyemang Adinkra, from the Bono people of Gyaman, now Ghana. There are several types of Adinkra symbols with at least 121 known images, including additional symbols that have been adopted on top of the original ones.
Adinkra symbols are highly popular and used in contexts to represent African culture, such as artwork, decorative items, fashion, jewelry, and media.