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User Posts: Dani Rhys
Angel Number 7 and What It Means for Your Life

The number 7 is mystical and has a strong spiritual vibe. If you keep seeing this number in your life, it could mean your guardian angels are trying to tell ...

What Is Cross of Lorraine and What Does it Symbolize?

Often confused with the Patriarchal cross, the Cross of Lorraine is a two-barred cross, that comes in a few variations. It’s a popular variant of the ...

Cross of Salem: What Does it Symbolize?

The Cross of Salem is a variant of the Christian cross, distinguished by its three crossbeams rather than one. The longest horizontal beam comes at the ...

Five-Fold Symbol – Origins, Meaning and Symbolism

The five-fold symbol is an integral part of Celtic mythology and spiritual beliefs. It’s also known as the Borromean Cross (not to be confused with the ...

Minotaur – The Monster of the Labyrinth in Greek Mythology

Among the fantastic creatures of Greek mythology, the Minotaur is one of the most famous. This flesh-eating humanoid bull and its labyrinth appear as one of ...

11 Sacred Fire Goddesses and Their Stunning Powers

As the most important aspect of human civilization, fire plays an essential role in many different mythologies around the world. These types of myths and ...

What Was the Griffin? History, Origins and Symbolism

One of the most prominent motifs in the ancient Middle East and Mediterranean areas, the griffin is a mythical creature, often depicted with an eagle’s head ...

The Obelisk Symbol – Origin, Meaning, and Modern Use

An Obelisk, the Greek word for spit, nail, or pointed pillar, is a tall, narrow, four-sided monument, with a pyramidion on top. In the past, obelisks used ...

What is the Armenian Cross – History and Meaning

Armenian crosses are known for their elaborate motifs and unique designs.  Often carved in stone monuments, the Armenian cross is a variant of the ...

Fenrir in Norse Mythology: The Origins and Significance

Fenrir is one of the most famous mythological wolves in the world and has been the inspiration behind the creation of many other fictional wolf and hound ...

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