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Jewelry Superstitions and Symbolism

The way we think and the way we act are results of a long line of heritage and tradition. There’s a superstition about everything, you name it. It ranges from the order you do certain things to the things you wear.

When it comes to the things you wear, strange as it may seem, there are beliefs that say that by wearing certain types of jewelry you’ll attract good luck. There’s also the belief about some jewelry that makes people avoid it.

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Depending on the culture, some people adorn themselves with certain gems to attract good luck and ward off evil spirits. Others may avoid wearing certain types of gems or precious metals altogether with the fear that it might attract bad things.

Superstitions that surround jewelry and gems are deeply rooted in culture and folklore. Some are tied to mythical stories and others come from religious or spiritual beliefs. There’s also a lot of pieces of history dedicated to explaining why and where these superstitions came from. 

If you want to learn more about this, we’ve gathered some of the most popular jewelry superstitions for you to learn a little more about them. Read up on it next!

Jewelry and Weddings


Unsurprisingly, superstitions surround weddings and engagements alike in many aspects. There are some interesting beliefs when it comes to the pieces of jewelry that are the protagonists in these important moments of people’s lives.

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Wedding Rings

Some people have the idea that wedding rings are capable of predicting a baby’s gender. The ritual involves somebody dangling a wedding ring with a string over the belly of a pregnant woman. If it moves in a circle, the baby is supposed to be a girl; if it moves from one side to the opposite, it should be a boy.

There’s also people who believe that you shouldn’t wear someone else’s wedding ring. Although it should be common sense not to wear someone’s wedding ring if they’re still married, the people who tie it to superstition say that it’ll bring bad luck to the married person.

Many people also choose to have their wedding bands done as a smooth golden ring. This has a superstition behind it, which is that a smooth ring will signify that you’ll get a smooth and easy life. Plus, if the ring has three types of metal, the newlyweds will never lack affection or love.

Pearls on Your Wedding Day

pearls on wedding day

Another superstition associated with wedding jewelry is that you shouldn’t wear pearls on your wedding day. This is because people believe that it’s bad luck because they resemble tears that will surround the marriage.

Interestingly enough, there are others who think that pearls are actually perfect for a bride. This is mainly because Ancient Greeks linked wearing pearls to marriage and love. Meaning that they’ll prevent the bride from shedding the supposed tears they look like.

The Cursed Asian Diamond – The Koh-i-noor

The Koh-i-noor in the front cross of Queen Mary’s Crown. PD.

In Asia, there’s a diamond that’s very infamous. Its story comes from India and dates back to the 17th century when India was under the power of the Mughal dynasty. The written records show that the Mughal emperor asked for a throne adorned with pearls, rubies, emeralds, and diamonds.

Between the gems that were in this throne, there was the great Koh-i-Noor diamond. As a consequence of the Persian invasion in the 18th century, the treasury of the country was depleted. The Persian leader stole the Koh-i-Noor diamond and put it in a bracelet that he’d wear.

Following these events, this large diamond was passed along from ruler to ruler for about a century, leaving behind a torrid history from the people who had it. A lot of tragedies occurred, and people thought it had to do with the diamond.

These days, the people in Southeast Asia that believe in this superstition avoid buying or wearing diamonds that have dark incrustations. They believe that a diamond with these flaws will bring bad fortune for those who wear it, and the people close to them.

However, diamonds have been around for a long time. The oldest records actually come from India. People associated them with the Hindu deity Indra (King of all Gods) while also linking them to qualities like cleanliness and purity.

Evil Eye Jewelry

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The Evil Eye’s a symbol that has been documented throughout thousands of years across many cultures. This symbol is usually depicted as four concentric circles that mimic an eye, usually with two hues of blue aside from the black center that acts as the “pupil.”

Globally, there are groups of people who believe jewelry that has the Evil Eye as a charm wards envious energy. The latter is called the true Evil Eye, which is when somebody glares at you wishing maliciously to have whatever you have.

This type of jewelry has been used as amulets as far back in history as Ancient Egypt. Nowadays, it’s very common to find people from all over Asia and Latin America wearing these amulets in bracelets, necklaces or earrings.

Opals And Their Lucky or Unlucky Nature

Opals are unquestionably one of the most unique and beautiful types of jewels. They display a range of colors and iridescence that can compel anybody to wear them. But there are some people who vehemently refuse to wear them.

There are many superstitions around this gem that date back to 1829. Some people have the belief that engagement rings with it will have a failed marriage as a consequence. Others say that only people who have their birthday in October are allowed to wear opals without attracting bad luck.

Unlike the people who actively shun opals in their jewelry, there are those who point out that opals have a history that’s centuries long where they are symbols of hope and love. Which makes it a contradictory jewel when it comes to superstitions.

Their infamy comes mainly from an old tale of a woman whose ill-fated destiny was sealed by the opal she wore as a headpiece. In the same way, the fact that opals are really fragile might have contributed, since they may have broken during unfortunate moments.

Lucky Charms

horseshoe pendant
Horseshoe charm by Warung Beads. See it here.

Though the idea’s amusing, no, we’re not talking about the cereal. In this case, archeologists have found charms or talismans dating back to Ancient Egypt. People wore these to ward off evil and attract luck. They actually differ from culture to culture. Ancient Egyptians believed that symbols like The Eye of Horus had powers of protection.

Nowadays, people think that four-leafed clovers and horseshoes are good luck charms. The horseshoe’s superstition comes from Celtic folklore, which state that hanging them over the door would keep the goblins away. Four-leafed clovers also come from the Celts, and people attribute them the power to help avoid evil spirits.

Wrapping up

As you have read in this article, superstitions come in all ways and forms. Even jewelry couldn’t escape it. No matter if people think there are gems and jewels that are lucky or unlucky, you shouldn’t let that discourage you from wearing anything.

Things have the power you allow them to have. Just like you could believe in any of the superstitions we’ve talked about here, you could simply ignore them and wear whatever you desire. Be happy and good luck!

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Dani Rhys
Dani Rhys

Dani Rhys has worked as a writer and editor for over 15 years. She holds a Masters degree in Linguistics and Education, and has also studied Political Science, Ancient History and Literature. She has a wide range of interests ranging from ancient cultures and mythology to Harry Potter and gardening. She works as the chief editor of Symbol Sage but also takes the time to write on topics that interest her.