Powerful Reasons for Burning Sage & How to Do It

Over the past years, burning sage, also called smudging, has become a trendy wellness practice to get rid of negative energy and cleanse homes. But maybe as ...

Superstitions About Itchy Nose – And Why

You may have experienced having an itchy nose at a random time of the day. This can be allergy-related or just a reaction of your body. However, itchy nose, ...

36 Unique Superstitions from Around the World

Regardless of which part of the world you hail from, you’re bound to have heard of some superstitions or believe in some yourself! Every culture has its own ...

31 Mexican Superstitions and What They Mean

Today in the rural areas of Mexico you can see a fusion of religious customs which are preserved through religious festivals and superstitions.   ...

Jewelry Superstitions and Symbolism

The way we think and the way we act are results of a long line of heritage and tradition. There’s a superstition about everything, you name it. It ranges ...

15 Italian Superstitions You Should Know About

Italy has a long and colorful history as well as a very rich culture, so it does not come as a surprise for the locals to have many superstitions that they ...

21 Unique New Year’s Superstitions You Should Know

Saying goodbye to a previous year can be a relief but starting a new one can be filled with anxiety. It’s normal to feel anxious about beginning a new year, ...

Superstitions About Left and Right Ear Ringing

Have you ever experienced a random buzzing or ringing in your ear? You may have heard others saying that it’s just a sign that someone is talking about you. ...

15 Interesting Filipino Superstitions That Reflect the Local Culture

The Philippines is a culturally diverse country, thanks to its colorful history that has been marked by colonialism and the migration of different races. ...

Different Superstitions About Pregnancy – A List

Various superstitions about pregnancy and babies have been circulating across the world. But while they’re just some old wives’ tale, we can understand that ...

Chinese New Year Superstitions – A List

Among every other festival in China, the Chinese New Year is the most significant traditional festival. Most Chinese people believe in superstitions, and so ...

Throwing Rice at Weddings: Fun Tradition or Dangerous Nuisance?

A wedding consists of so many traditions, some of which are cultural and others that the couple themselves create. One tradition that is common at weddings ...