User Posts: Juan Salazar Sanchez
Hermes: Myths, Symbols, and Importance (Greek Mythology)

As one of the twelve Olympian gods, Hermes was an important figure and features in many ancient Greek myths. He played many roles, including being a ...

Ikebana – The Japanese Art of Flower Arrangement

It’s safe to say that Japanese culture has made its way around the globe. From manga and anime to origami to their delicious gastronomy, there’s a lot of ...

The Sigil of Baphomet – Symbolism and Meaning

Throughout history, religions have been using a variety of symbols and imagery to represent both good and evil. Today, the Sigil of Baphomet is one of the ...

9 Healing Crystals to Soothe Your Emotions

Nowadays, most people live high-stress lives, and usually have little time to destress and relax. So naturally, it’s completely normal to feel anxious or ...

Palm Sunday: Honoring Jesus’ Triumphal Entry

One of the most popular Christian holidays is Palm Sunday. This annual Sunday holiday commemorates Jesus Christ's triumphal entry into Jerusalem before his ...

Celebrating Rosh Hashanah: The Jewish New Year Explained

Judaism is a religion that has around 14 - 15 million members and is one the oldest organized religion in the world. Like many religions, Judaism divides ...

Purim’s Tale: Retelling the Ancient Jewish Story of Survival

Nowadays, Judaism has around 14-15 million followers divided into main three branches. These branches are Orthodox Judaism, Conservative Judaism, and Reform ...

Understanding Maundy Thursday: Significance and Traditions

Christianity, a religion that bases itself on the teachings of Jesus Christ, has the most participants with a whopping estimate of two billion ...

What’s Your Spirit Animal? – A Guide to Find It

Life isn’t always easy. Nowadays, once you become an adult, you are often thrown into situations you may not know how to handle. There’s also the fact that ...

Five Virtues for a Harmonious Life: Lessons from Confucianism

The world as we know it has many different aspects. Humans have built societies, countries, and religions. All of this is a result of developing and ...

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