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Plutus: The Ancient Greek Embodiment of Wealth and Abundance

Every culture in history has its gods and goddesses of wealth and prosperity. The pantheon in ancient Greek religion and mythology is no exception. ...

Primordial Gods in Greek Mythology

According to Greek Mythology, the Primordial Gods were the first entities that came into existence. These immortal beings form the very frame of the ...

Egyptian Animal Gods – A List

There were many animal gods in ancient Egypt, and often, the only thing they had in common was their appearance. Some were protective, some were harmful, ...

Hou Yi – Chinese Archer Lord and Slayer of Suns

Hou Yi is an intriguing character in Chinese mythology, portrayed simultaneously as a hero and a tyrant, a god and a mortal man. There are contradictory ...

Beyond the Myths: The Reality of the Eleusinian Mysteries

The Eleusinian mysteries represent the biggest, most sacred, and most revered cult in ancient Greece. Dating back to the Mycenaean period, the Eleusinian ...

Fuxi – The Mythical Emperor God of China

China has a long history, rich with folk beliefs, religious stories, legends and myths. Long before the first Chinese dynasty, wise men and demigods ...

Guan Yin – Buddhist Bodhisattva of Compassion

Guan Yin, also known as Kuan Yin or Guanshiyin, is associated with Avalokiteśvara – the embodiment of compassion in Mahayana Buddhism, who is considered a ...

Yu the Great: Legendary Hero of Ancient China

An important figure in both Chinese mythology and history, Yu the Great has a reputation of being a wise and virtuous ruler. Ancient China was a land where ...

Shatkona – Meaning and Symbolism of the Hindu Yantra

Star symbols have been used as a magical sign or a decorative element in many civilizations around the world. A hexagram symbol used in Hindu yantra, the ...

Fear Gorta –Irish “Good Luck” Zombies

Most cultures and religions seem to have one version of a zombie-like creature or another, but few are as peculiar as the Fear Gorta. Translated as Man of ...

Dearg Due – The Vengeful Irish Vampiress

The Dearg Due is one of several blood-sucking monstrosities in the Irish/Celtic folklore. Depicted as a female figure, the Dearg Due is one of the most ...

Celtic Mother Knot – Symbolism and Meaning

Celtic knots are complete loops with no beginning or end, believed to represent eternity, loyalty, love or friendship. Most Celtic knots are highly popular ...