Top 10 Symbols of New Beginnings with Their Meanings

Symbolisms have a great influence in representing significant changes in life. Some of these symbols have been around since the dawn of civilization, while others are rooted in human experiences.

From flowers to trees and cultural symbolism, we’ve rounded up a list of symbols of new beginnings to bring a dose of inspiration into your life.

1. Birch Tree

Birch tree
Birch Tree

The Sanskrit term bher, meaning shining white, or bhurga, meaning a tree whose bark is used for writing, inspired the word “birch.” These terms reference the tree’s white bark, which peels away like paper.

In many regions, people call the birch a “pioneer tree” because it grows quickly in woodlands, even after natural disasters. The Celts considered the birch tree one of their most sacred symbols, representing new beginnings, rebirth, and hope.

The Celtic Ogham, an ancient Irish alphabet known as the Celtic Tree Alphabet, assigns the names of letters to trees or shrubs. The Gaelic word for birch, beith, corresponds to the letter B, which reflects the characteristics of the birch tree.

To honor new beginnings, people use birch trees to make maypoles during the Beltane festival, also known as Gaelic May Day. They also feature birch in other Celtic celebrations like Samhain and Imbolc.

Due to its symbolism, people crafted cradles for infants and besom brooms from birch wood, hoping to protect homes by clearing away negative energy.

2. Daffodils

Daffodils new beginnings

Flowers aren’t only beautiful to look at; they also carry meaningful symbolism. In the language of flowers, daffodils represent new beginnings, renewal, and rebirth since they’re one of the early bloomers in spring, and a great indicator that winter is over.

What’s more, yellow is their most popular color, which stands for happiness and optimism.

People often gift bouquets of daffodils to symbolize fresh beginnings, whether for someone starting a new career or embarking on a new journey. They also make thoughtful gifts for new couples, wishing them a happy new chapter together.

3. Rainbow

Rainbow symbolism

A sign of peace, hope, and new beginnings, the rainbow has been featured in Western art to signify the promise of better times to come.

Today, people believe rune symbols hold philosophical and magical significance, often using them in pagan rituals and divination.

Although their meanings remain obscure, many associate the Inguz or Ingwaz rune with fertility and new beginnings. Believed to possess great power, people often use this rune to signify a new phase of life or a fresh path forward.

4. White Dove

White dove
White Dove

The white dove has gained significance in almost all cultures and religions. While it has long been used as a symbol of peace, it can also represent new beginnings.

For Christians, the white dove is an important symbol of fresh beginnings.

It makes a famous appearance in the Bible after the Great Flood when Noah releases the dove into the world, and it returned with an olive leaf, which signified that the floodwaters were receding. It symbolized a new beginning, and that God had made peace with mankind.

For thousands of years, people have used white doves in rituals, ceremonies, and celebrations. Today, many still release doves at weddings, symbolizing new beginnings for the newlyweds and offering blessings of love, hope, and peace.

5. New Moon

New moon
New Moon

The moon symbolizes a wide range of beliefs and interests, especially for those who believe celestial bodies influence life. People have long used the phases of the moon to represent the rhythm of time as it cycles.

Because the new moon begins a new lunar cycle, many associate it with new beginnings, fresh starts, and new phases in life.

Many believe that it’s the perfect time for meditation, self-reflection, and goal setting, as well as starting something new, setting new intentions, and initiating life changes, as the moon’s energy can help you to propel those transitions further.

Some even harness the energy of the new moon with some rituals, in hopes of fulfilling their visions.

6. The Koru

Koru in nature
The Koru

One of the most popular Maori symbols, the koru resembles the spiral form of the unfurling fern sprout. The silver fern plant from which the symbol is derived is significant to the indigenous people of New Zealand.

Apart from its abilities of growth and regeneration, the budding leaves of the plant also mark the beginning of a new calendar.

If one fern frond died, another one is born in its place, associating it with creation, life, new beginnings, and hope.

The Maori people preserve their history and cultural heritage through oral lore and art. Today, artists feature the koru symbol in carvings, paintings, jewelry designs, and tattoos.

7. Inguz Rune Symbol

inguz rune
Inguz Rune

The runic alphabet was the first writing system used by the Norse and other Germanic people, and it was more of communication and tradition rather than magic.

Nowadays, the rune symbols are believed to have philosophical and magical significance, so they’re commonly used in pagan rituals and divination.

While their meanings are obscure, the Inguz or Ingwaz rune is thought to symbolize fertility and new beginnings. It’s believed to have great power, so many use it to mark a new phase of life or a new path.

8. Butterflies

Butterflies meaning

The metamorphosis of a butterfly from a caterpillar to a winged creature is associated with new beginnings, rebirth, hope, transformation, and change.

Some even regard butterflies as spiritual guides on personal growth and change, as well as on embarking on a new journey in life.

The Native Americans would perform the Fancy Shawl dance, inspired by the Hopi ceremony of The Butterfly Dance, to celebrate renewal and new beginnings.

9. Number Eight

Number Eight
Number Eight

In Biblical numerology, people associate the number eight with new beginnings, as the eighth day marks the first day after creation.

Some scholars note that eight people survived the Great Flood, which contributes to the significance of the number.

However, its symbolism may vary in different cultures and religions. In China, the number eight is seen as a lucky number associated with prosperity and abundance.

10. Lotus Flower

Lotus Flower

One of the most spiritual plants in the world, the lotus can symbolize a number of different things, from beauty to purity, rebirth, and new beginnings.

Rooted in the mud, the flower blooms during the day and closes up when the sun sets. The next day, it re-blooms again, looking as pure and beautiful as always. Because of its symbolism, it’s often depicted alongside divine figures in different cultures.

The ancient Egyptians thought that the flower had the ability to give new life to the deceased, as shown in the Book of the Dead.

In Eastern cultures, gods and goddesses are often depicted holding a lotus or sitting on a flower. They’re also popular symbols for people who have experienced hardships and challenges in life and are looking forward to a fresh start.

Wrapping Up

In times of distress, we need something to lift our spirits and motivate us on our journey.

Whether you want to celebrate a fresh start, or simply like to change and improve your life, these symbols of beginnings will give new hope and a dash of inspiration.

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Dani Rhys
Dani Rhys

Dani Rhys has worked as a writer and editor for over 15 years. She holds a Masters degree in Linguistics and Education, and has also studied Political Science, Ancient History and Literature. She has a wide range of interests ranging from ancient cultures and mythology to Harry Potter and gardening. She works as the chief editor of Symbol Sage but also takes the time to write on topics that interest her.