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Greek Symbols
The Story of Adonis: Greek Mythology’s Handsome Mortal

In Greek mytholoogy, Adonis was known as one of the most handsome mortals, loved by two goddesses - Aphrodite, the goddess of love and Persephone, the ...

The Rise and Fall of King Minos: From Palace to Underworld

Minos was a legendary king of Crete in Greek mythology. He was so famous that archaeologist Sir Arthur Evans named an entire civilization after him – the ...

The Legend of Alcestis: Greek Mythology’s Ultimate Act of Love

In Greek mythology, Alcestis was a princess, known for her love and sacrifice for her husband, Admetus. Their separation and ultimate reunion was the ...

Acontius – Greek Mythology

Acontius is a minor character in Greek mythology, who features in the writings of Ovid. Althoug his story is relatively unknown and arguably unimportant, it ...

Harpies: Symbolism, Stories, and Their Place in Greek Mythology

In Greek mythology, harpies are legendary monsters with the body of a bird and the face of a woman. They were known as the personification of the whirlwinds ...

Helios – Greek God of the Sun

In Greek mythology, Helios was the personification of the Sun and one of the strongest Titan gods. He is often portrayed as a handsome young man driving a ...

Menelaus – Greek Hero and King of Sparta

Menelaus was a key figure in one of the greatest tales of Greek mythology - The Trojan War. As the husband of Helen, he was at the very heart of the war. ...

Vergina Sun – Origins, Meaning and Symbolism

Known as the Vergina Sun, the symbol of a stylized sun or star can be found on coins, walls, craters, vases, and visual arts from Ancient Greece. The symbol ...

Elysian Fields (Elysium) – Paradise of Greek Mythology

The Elysian Fields, also called Elysium, is a paradise in Greek Mythology. Initially, Elysium was only open to humans who had some connection to heroes and ...

Hellen – Ancestor of All Hellenes

In Greek mythology, Hellen was the mythical ancestor of all ‘Hellenes’, the true Greeks who were named after him in his honor. He was the King of Phthia and ...