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Greek Symbols
Harmonia – Greek Mythology

A minor Greek goddess of the pantheon, Harmonia is famous for marrying Cadmus, a mortal hero and the first king and founder of the city of Thebes. Harmonia ...

Ajax the Great – Greek Mythology

Ajax, the son of Periboea and King Telamon, is one of the greatest heroes in Greek mythology. He played an important role during the Trojan War and is often ...

Seven Against Thebes – Greek Mythology

Many authors have shared the stories of Greek mythology with the world through their tragedies, and several plays narrate the events of the Seven Against ...

Telemachus – Son of Odysseus

In Greek mythology, Telemachus, the son of Odysseus, is known for his search for his father and for helping him recover his throne. The story of Telemachus ...

Admetus – Greek Mythology

In Greek mythology, there many remarkable kings with prominent stories. Although King Admetus may not be one of the most famous characters, he is perhaps ...

Odysseus and Circe: A Tale of Enchantment and Redemption

Circe is one of the most captivating and enigmatic figures in Greek mythology. She was an enchantress who possessed a magical wand and concocted magical ...

Ganymede – Greek Mythology

In Greek mythology, Ganymede was a divine hero and one of the most beautiful mortals who lived in Troy. He was a shepherd who was adored and ...

Eurydice – Greek Mythology

In Greek mythology, Eurydice was the lover and wife of Orpheus, a talented musician and poet. Eurydice died a tragic death, but her beloved Orpheus ...

The Birth of the Universe: Chaos in Greek Creation Stories

In Greek mythology, Chaos was an ancient concept, meaning infinite darkness, emptiness, abyss, chasm, or a wide-open space. Chaos didn’t have any particular ...

Tartarus: The Abyss of Greek Mythology Explained

In Greek mythology, there was an abyss worse than the underworld. The Tartarus was the bottom of the earth, and it homed the most terrible creatures. The ...