The Ajna chakra, or Third Eye, sits where our consciousness and the physical world cross paths, right between the eyebrows. It's the sixth chakra in the ...
A country with a long, rich history, Ireland has a distinctive culture that dates back thousands of years. Irish culture has significantly influenced others ...
The cosmic egg is a common theme in the creation myths of many cultures. Often depicted as an egg entwined by a serpent, the Orphic Egg is found in ancient ...
Known as the official symbol of Unitarian Universalism, the flaming chalice represents freedom from religious oppression. But why was this symbol adopted as ...
Dragons are one of the most wide-spread mythological creatures across human cultures, legends, and religions. As such they literally come in all shapes and ...
From pirates to poison bottles, the symbol depicting a human skull above two crossed bones is commonly associated with danger and death. Here’s a look at ...
One of the most fun parts of arranging and organizing a wedding is tasting and choosing the cake. Many couples eagerly await the cake cutting ceremony, ...
Australia is a relatively new country and yet it’s the home of the world’s oldest continuing culture, the Australian Aboriginals. As such, there are both ...
Spain, officially called the ‘Kingdom of Spain’ is a European country located on the Iberian Peninsula. There are many symbols that make up a big part of ...
The veil is the most romantic of all wedding accessories and surrounds the bride in an air of mystery. It often serves as the perfect finishing touch for ...