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Egyptian Mythology
Maat – The Egyptian Goddess and Her Feather of Truth

Maat or Ma’at is one of the most important Egyptian deities. A goddess of truth, order, harmony, balance, morality, justice, and law, Maat was honored and ...

Set – Egyptian Mythology God of War, Chaos and Storms

In Ancient Egypt, Set, also known as Seth, was the god of war, chaos and storms. He was among the most important gods of the Egyptian Pantheon. Although he ...

Isis – Egyptian Mythology Mother Goddess

In Egyptian mythology, the goddess Isis was a significant deity, known for her role in the royal affairs of the gods. She was one of the most famous figures ...

Mut – Egyptian Mother Goddess

In Egyptian mythology, Mut (also known as Maut or Mout) was a mother goddess and one of the most worshipped deities across Egypt. She was a versatile ...

Menhit – Egyptian goddess of war

In Egyptian mythology, Menhit (also written as Menchit, Menhet or Menkhet) was a war goddess from Nubia. Her name meant She Who Massacres ...

Bastet – Egyptian Cat Goddess

In Ancient Egypt, cats held a special position and were revered creatures. The goddess Bastet, also called Bast, was worshipped in the form of a cat. She ...

Anubis – Egyptian God of Death and the Underworld

In Egyptian mythology, Anubis was one of the oldest and most important deities. He preceded Osiris as funerary god and lord of the Underworld. Known in ...

Bennu Bird – Egyptian Mythology

Apart from the primordial deities who participated in the creation of the world in Egyptian mythology, the Bennu Bird was an animal-deity also with a ...

Tefnut – Egyptian Goddess of Moisture and Fertility

In Egyptian mythology, Tefnut was the goddess of moisture and fertility. At times, she was also regarded as a lunar warrior goddess. She was one of the ...

Heqet – Egyptian Frog Goddess

Heqet, also known as the ‘Frog Goddess’ was the Ancient Egyptian goddess of fertility and childbirth. She was one of the most important goddess of the ...

10 Best Books About Egyptian Mythology

Egyptian mythology is one of the most extravagant, colorful, and unique mythologies in the world. It’s also one of the most complex ones, however, as it’s ...

Geb – Egyptian God of the Earth

In ancient Egypt, the god Geb, also known as Seb or Keb, was the great god of the earth. He was the son of earlier primordial elements and the ancestor of a ...