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Do I Need Sapphire? Meaning and Healing Properties

Sapphires have been revered for their exquisite beauty and deep meaning throughout history. This precious gemstone is known for its stunning blue hues, but it can also come in a range of other colors. Sapphires are associated with royalty, wisdom, and spirituality and have been believed to have magical properties that protect the wearer from harm and bring good fortune.  

In this article, we’ll explore the meaning and symbolism of sapphires, delving into their cultural significance, historical uses, and modern-day applications.  

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What is Sapphire? 

Sapphire tumbled stone
Sapphire tumbled stone. See it here.

As a type of corundum mineral, sapphire forms as tabular prismatic crystals with hexagonal double pyramid structures. Corundum minerals have a chemical composition of aluminum oxide, which is what makes sapphire one of the hardest and most durable stones on earth.  

They have a hardness of 9 on the Mohs scale, which is the second-hardest mineral after diamond. This means that sapphires are extremely durable and resistant to scratching, making them an ideal choice for jewelry that’s worn frequently.  

The hardness of sapphires also makes them a popular choice for industrial applications, such as in the manufacturing of high-precision scientific instruments and electronic components.  

Where are Sapphires Found? 

Sapphire forms in metamorphic rocks such as schist or gneiss. Some come from igneous rocks, where basalt or syenite is present. However, this iconic gemstone is rarely mined directly from these primary sources. Time, weathering, erosion, and softer terrains can carry sapphire to other places. 

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Most sapphire locations are in the United States but they are also plentiful in China, Pakistan, Thailand, Myanmar, Vietnam, Cambodia, Afghanistan, Australia, Kenya, Tanzania, India, Malawi, and Nigeria. However, Sri Lanka, Burma, and Madagascar have the largest and richest sources. Sri Lanka is the most popular location since antiquity.  

The exact mining methods used to extract sapphires can vary depending on the location and geological conditions of the deposits. However, the following is a general overview of the process: 

  • Exploration: Prior to mining, an area must be explored to determine whether there are sapphire deposits present. This can involve various methods such as geologic mapping, remote sensing, and drilling. 
  • Mining: Once a sapphire deposit has been identified, mining can begin. There are various methods used for mining sapphires, including traditional hand-digging techniques and more modern methods such as hydraulic mining and open-pit mining. 
  • Sorting and washing: After the sapphire-bearing rock is extracted from the ground, it’s typically sorted to remove any unwanted material. The rock is then washed to remove any remaining dirt or debris. 
  • Screening: The washed rock is then screened to separate the sapphires from the remaining material based on size. 
  • Processing: The separated sapphires are then typically cut and polished to enhance their color and clarity. Some sapphires may also undergo heat treatment or irradiation to improve their appearance. 

Healing Properties of Sapphire 

Raw sapphire necklace
Raw sapphire necklace. See it here.

Sapphires are believed to have several healing properties and have been used for centuries for their therapeutic benefits. Some of the healing properties associated with sapphires include:  

Physical Healing Properties of Sapphire 

Sapphires are believed to have several physical healing properties that have been attributed to them over time. Here are some of the potential physical benefits of sapphires: 

  • Promoting general physical health: Sapphires are believed to support overall physical well-being and boost the immune system, making the body more resilient to illness and disease. 
  • Alleviating pain: Sapphires are believed to have pain-relieving properties and may help alleviate headaches, body aches, and other types of physical pain. 
  • Strengthening the eyes: Sapphires have been traditionally used to strengthen and improve eyesight. They may help alleviate eye strain and promote better vision. 
  • Supporting the skin: Sapphires are believed to have anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce skin inflammation and irritation. They may also help with skin issues such as eczema and acne. 
  • Aiding in detoxification: Sapphires are believed to help support the body’s natural detoxification processes, aiding in the removal of toxins and promoting overall physical health. 

Emotional Healing Properties of Sapphire 

Sapphires are said to have a calming and soothing effect on the mind and emotions. They’re believed to promote emotional balance, reduce stress and anxiety, and help alleviate depression. Sapphires may also help improve communication and facilitate the expression of emotions, particularly those related to grief and loss.  

These stones are also said to help promote a sense of inner peace and calm, allowing individuals to connect with their inner selves and find clarity and understanding in their emotions. Finally, sapphires are said to be helpful for those who are seeking spiritual growth, as they can aid in meditation and facilitate a deeper connection with the spiritual realm. 

Spiritual Healing Properties of Sapphire 

Petite sapphire necklace
Petite sapphire necklace. See it here.

Sapphires are believed to have several spiritual healing properties that have been attributed to them over time. They’re often associated with spirituality and are believed to enhance spiritual awareness and intuition. These stones are said to enhance spiritual awareness and insight, helping individuals connect with their higher selves and the divine. They’re also believed to facilitate a deeper understanding of spiritual truths and help individuals access higher realms of consciousness. 

In addition to promoting spiritual awareness, sapphires are believed to promote intuition, enhancing an individual’s ability to tune into their inner wisdom and guidance. They may help individuals trust their instincts and make decisions that are in alignment with their higher selves. 

Sapphires are also associated with inner peace and calm, which can aid in spiritual growth and development. They can help individuals release negative thought patterns and emotions, allowing them to connect more deeply with their spiritual selves. 

In addition, sapphires are believed to aid in meditation and spiritual practices. They may help individuals achieve a deeper level of focus and concentration, allowing them to easily access higher states of consciousness. 

Chakra Balancing 

Sapphires are believed to have a strong connection to the throat chakra, which is associated with communication, self-expression, and authenticity. The throat chakra is the fifth chakra and is located in the neck and throat area. When this chakra is balanced, individuals are able to communicate their thoughts and feelings effectively, and they feel confident in their ability to express themselves authentically. 

Sapphires are said to help balance and activate the throat chakra, allowing individuals to connect more deeply with their inner truth and express themselves with clarity and confidence. They may help individuals release any blockages or negative energy that may be inhibiting their ability to communicate effectively. 

These stones are also believed to have an impact on the third eye chakra, which is associated with intuition, spiritual awareness, and inner wisdom. When the third eye chakra is balanced, individuals are able to tune into their inner guidance and connect with their spiritual selves. 

Sapphires may help balance and activate the third eye chakra, allowing individuals to access their inner wisdom and connect more deeply with their spiritual selves. They may aid in meditation and other spiritual practices, helping individuals achieve a deeper level of focus and concentration.  

Symbolism of Sapphire 

Blue sapphire wedding comb
Blue sapphire wedding comb. See it here.

In general, sapphire symbolizes the heavens and royalty due to how it shimmers and glistens in direct sunlight, reminiscent of a beautiful spring or summer day. It represents the serenity when gazing up at a cyan sky. All sapphires connect to the zodiac signs of Virgo, Libra, and Sagittarius.  

Sapphire is the birthstone for April and September while also an ideal 45th-year wedding anniversary gift. It’s a classic crystal for marital bliss, faithfulness, and loyalty. It’s a stone of the heart, supporting new love, and promised commitment. This is why it’s a top choice for wedding rings. 

Sapphire also symbolizes favor from the Greek God Apollo because of how it brings peace and prosperity. It eliminates physical and spiritual poverty while ameliorating frustration. This opens avenues for an individual to experience the real meaning of life, fulfill dreams, and illuminate unconscious desires. 

Varieties & Color of Sapphire 

Sapphire is a gemstone that comes in a variety of colors, although blue sapphire is perhaps the most well-known. Here are some of the different colors and varieties of sapphire: 

1. Star Sapphire  

Star sapphire ring
Star sapphire ring. See it here.

Star sapphire is a variety of sapphires with specific chatoyancy in the shape of a star. It’s like a tiger’s eye but the charm is of its own accord. This is due to small cylindrical cavities running parallel to the prism planes. When light reflects, it appears as a light or white star. 

Gazing into the starry glow centers thoughts and brings knowledge of human nature. This is useful for understanding the motives and intentions of others while making the possessor cheerful and friendly. It represents good luck and wisdom to regain conscious recognition of the universe. 

Star sapphire is often associated with the zodiac sign of Capricorn, which falls between December 22 and January 19. Capricorn is an earth sign that is represented by the goat, and it’s believed that wearing star sapphire can help Capricorns achieve their goals and stay grounded. 

2. Parti Sapphire  

Parti sapphire is a type of sapphire that displays more than one color in a single stone. It’s found in various locations around the world, including Australia, Madagascar, Tanzania, and Sri Lanka. The color zoning in parti sapphire is due to variations in the mineral content and growth patterns within the crystal during formation.  

The different colors are typically arranged in distinct bands or sections within the stone and can range from pale pastels to vibrant, saturated hues. Parti sapphires are highly valued for their unique appearance and rarity, and are often used in fine jewelry and as collector’s items. 

Parti sapphire isn’t commonly associated with specific zodiac signs, as it’s a relatively new term used to describe a type of sapphire that displays more than one color in a single stone. However, some astrologers believe that it can be beneficial for individuals born under certain zodiac signs, including Gemini, Cancer, and Virgo. 

3. Padparadscha Sapphire  

Padparadscha sapphire is a unique and rare variety of sapphires that exhibits a pink-orange color, often described as a blend of sunset and lotus blossom hues. The name “padparadscha” is derived from the Sinhalese word for “lotus flower,” which is native to Sri Lanka, where the gemstone was first discovered. 

Padparadscha sapphires are found primarily in Sri Lanka, but can also be found in other locations around the world, including Madagascar, Tanzania, and Vietnam. The gemstone’s distinctive color is due to the presence of trace elements, such as iron and chromium, and its rarity and beauty have made it highly sought after by collectors and jewelry designers. 

Aside from its unique color, padparadscha sapphire is also prized for its durability and hardness, making it a popular choice for engagement rings and other fine jewelry. The gemstone is often cut in a variety of shapes, including oval, cushion, and emerald, to showcase its natural beauty and coloration.  

4. Blue Sapphire  

Sapphire engagement ring
Blue sapphire engagement ring. See it here.

Being sapphire’s most common color, blue has vast healing and symbolic implications. It gives strength and assists diversification within the self and society. It holds deep mystic knowledge, giving access to intuitive, psychic, and astral wisdom. 

Because of this, blue sapphire is associated with living in kindness, learning with compassion, and comprehending with appreciation. Such energy decontaminates anything tangible and intangible. Therefore, blue sapphire can bring authenticity while encouraging fulfilment and well-being. 

It also mitigates retrogression by purifying and rectifying disoriented, trapped energy. This resolves disparity and promotes free will, cohesiveness, and unconditional love. It’s excellent for chakra alignment and transmuting negativity.  

5. Black Sapphire 

Black sapphire is a variety of sapphire that exhibits a dark and opaque black color. Unlike some other varieties of sapphire, such as blue or pink sapphire, black sapphire isn’t known for its transparency or brilliance. Instead, it’s valued primarily for its deep, rich color and its durability. 

Black sapphire is found in a variety of locations around the world, including Australia, Thailand, and Madagascar. The gemstone is typically cut in a variety of shapes, including round, oval, and cushion, and is often used in men’s jewelry and fashion accessories, such as cufflinks, tie pins, and rings. 

6. White Sapphire 

White sapphire is a variety of sapphire that exhibits a colorless or white appearance. It’s a rare and highly valued gemstone, prized for its brilliance, clarity, and hardness. White sapphire is found in a variety of locations around the world, including Sri Lanka, Myanmar, and Australia. 

In terms of symbolism, white sapphire is associated with purity, clarity, and wisdom. It’s often used in engagement rings and other types of fine jewelry as a symbol of love and commitment. White sapphire is also said to have healing properties, including the ability to promote mental clarity and emotional balance. 

White sapphire is also highly refractive, meaning that it’s able to disperse light in a way that creates a brilliant, sparkling appearance.  

7. Yellow Sapphire 

Yellow sapphire eternity ring
Yellow sapphire eternity ring. See it here.

Yellow sapphire is a variety of sapphire that exhibits a yellow to yellow-orange color and is highly valued in the world of fine jewelry for its beauty, rarity, and durability. It’s found in a number of locations around the world, including Sri Lanka, Madagascar, Tanzania, Australia, and Thailand. The finest quality stones are typically found in Sri Lanka, where they’re known for their exceptional color and clarity. 

One of the most special qualities of yellow sapphire is its vibrant and beautiful color. The color of yellow sapphire is often compared to the color of the sun and is said to represent joy, wisdom, and prosperity. It’s also highly valued for its rarity, as it’s not as commonly found as some other varieties of sapphire. 

8. Green Sapphire 

Green sapphire is a unique and beautiful variety of sapphire that exhibits a range of green colors, from light green to deep emerald. It’s a rare gemstone that’s mainly found in Australia, Madagascar, and Thailand.  

One of the most special qualities of green sapphire is its mesmerizing and calming hue, which is believed to bring balance and serenity to the wearer. It’s a beautiful and unique gemstone that’s highly prized by gem collectors and jewelry enthusiasts alike. 

9. Indigo Sapphire 

Indigo sapphire is a rare variety of sapphires that displays a deep blue color with hints of purple. It’s mainly found in Madagascar and Sri Lanka and is highly sought after by collectors and gem enthusiasts. Indigo sapphire is believed to represent spiritual awareness, intuition, and inner wisdom.  

It’s also said to promote mental clarity and enhance communication skills. As a symbol of strength and insight, indigo sapphire is a popular choice for engagement rings and other special occasions.  

10. Purple Sapphire 

Purple sapphire is a stunning variety of sapphire that displays a beautiful purple color, ranging from pale lavender to deep violet. It’s mainly found in Sri Lanka, Madagascar, and Tanzania. Purple sapphire is believed to symbolize spiritual enlightenment, wisdom, and royalty. It’s also said to promote clarity of thought and enhance intuition.  

Purple sapphire symbolizes strength and power and is a popular choice for engagement rings and other special occasions. Its rich and regal hue makes it a highly prized gemstone among collectors and jewelry enthusiasts. 

History & Lore of Sapphire 

Sapphire pearl flower brooch
Sapphire pearl flower brooch. See it here.

Sapphire’s healing and metaphysical properties, along with its symbolism, are ancient with an extensive history. The word “sapphire” comes from the Latin word “sapphirus,” which means “blue stone.” However, it wasn’t until the 1800s, that people used the term, “sapphire” to describe the gemstone we identify today.  

In Greek mythology, sapphire was associated with Apollo, the god of prophecy and truth. It was also believed to have a calming effect on the mind and was used to treat mental illnesses. In Roman mythology, sapphire was associated with Diana, the goddess of the moon, and was believed to bring good luck and protection to its wearer.  

The Greeks referred to this stone as lapis lazuli. They used it to gain the blessings of Apollo and wore it during visits to the Delphic Oracle. However, sapphire has Judeo-Christian associations with Abraham, being one of the 12 breastplate stones.  

In the Middle Ages, sapphire was believed to have healing properties and was used to treat a range of ailments. It was also believed to protect against evil spirits and bring good luck and fortune to its wearer. During the Renaissance, sapphires were often used as engagement rings and other pieces of jewelry, and were seen as a symbol of loyalty and fidelity. 

In Hindu mythology, sapphire was considered the gem of Saturn, and was believed to bring good luck and fortune to those born under its influence. In Chinese mythology, it was believed to represent wisdom and purity, and was often used in religious ceremonies. 

Today, sapphire remains a highly prized gemstone with a rich and storied history. It’s valued for its beauty, rarity, and symbolic meaning. Sapphires come in a range of colors, including blue, yellow, pink, green, purple, and white, and can be found in many parts of the world, including Australia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and the United States. Whether used as a symbol of love, protection, or wisdom, sapphire continues to be one of the most revered gemstones in the world. 

Do You Need Sapphire? 

Sapphire is believed to have a wide range of healing properties, both physical and emotional, as well as spiritual benefits. As such, anyone seeking these benefits can benefit from owning a piece of sapphire. It’s said to be particularly helpful for those experiencing anxiety, depression, or mental health issues, as well as those seeking greater focus and mental clarity.  

Physically, sapphire is believed to aid in the healing of various ailments, including eye problems, headaches, and blood disorders. Those interested in the spiritual properties of sapphire may find it useful for meditation, chakra balancing, and developing intuition and psychic abilities. Ultimately, anyone can benefit from the beauty, energy, and positive attributes of sapphire. 

What Gemstones Pair Well with Sapphire? 

Pairing other gemstones with sapphire is tricky because of its hardness. It can scratch anything with a hardness of less than 9 on the Mohs scale, which means it will damage almost any other crystal. So, you will have to be careful in how you pair it. 

That said, it works great with selenite to produce wonderful cleansing to the soul and chakras, replacing negativity with purity. Black tourmaline and obsidian are also excellent, boosting the protective powers inherent within sapphire. Using it with sodalite gives a jolt to communication and speaking from the heart. 

However, pairing sapphire with other corundum minerals is best. To enhance the mental powers of sapphire, use it with emerald. To work with the heart chakra or foster stronger love energy, use ruby or diamond alongside it. 

How to Use Sapphire 

1. Wear Sapphire as Jewelry 

The most common way to use sapphire is by wearing it as jewelry, such as a ring, necklace, or bracelet. This way, you can carry its energy with you throughout the day. 

Here are some common ways to wear sapphire: 


Sapphire and diamond ring
Sapphire and diamond engagement ring. See it here.

Sapphire is a durable gemstone, making it an excellent choice for rings. It‘s often set in gold or platinum and can be worn as an engagement ring, cocktail ring, or everyday ring. 


Sapphire pendants or necklaces are also popular choices. They can be worn alone as a statement piece or layered with other necklaces. 


Pear sapphire stud earring
Pear sapphire stud earrings. See them here.

Sapphire earrings are a classic choice and can be worn in many different styles, from simple studs to more elaborate chandelier earrings. 


Sapphire can also be worn as a bracelet, either alone or mixed with other gemstones for a colorful stack. 

When choosing sapphire jewelry, consider the color and cut of the stone, as well as the setting and metal. It’s also important to purchase from a reputable jeweler to ensure the quality and authenticity of the gemstone. 

Due to its high price tag, though, it’s usually too expensive to have as a display piece. That said, some people use sapphire as shatter-resistant windows, wristwatch faces, and electronic circuitry devices. Integrated circuits and LEDS are two examples. 

2. Use Sapphire in Meditation  

Sapphire is a powerful stone that can be used during meditation to promote calmness, mental clarity, and spiritual awareness. To use sapphire in meditation, find a quiet and peaceful place where you can sit comfortably and hold the sapphire in your hand or place it on your third eye chakra, located in the center of your forehead. 

Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to relax. Visualize the sapphire’s energy flowing through your body, bringing peace and tranquility to your mind and spirit. Focus on your breath and allow any distracting thoughts or feelings to drift away. 

Stay in this meditative state for as long as you feel comfortable, letting the sapphire’s energy guide you. When you’re ready to end your meditation, slowly open your eyes and take a few deep breaths before returning to your day.  

Remember, everyone’s experience with meditation is different, so trust your own intuition and let the sapphire guide you on your spiritual journey. 

3. Place Sapphire in Your Home of Office  

Raw blue sapphire crystal
Raw blue sapphire crystal. See it here.

Placing sapphire in your home or office can bring powerful energy into your environment. You can place sapphire crystals or jewelry in a prominent spot, such as on a desk or shelf, to enhance mental clarity, creativity, and communication.  

Sapphire’s calming energy can also help create a peaceful atmosphere in your living space or workplace, reducing stress and promoting relaxation. Sapphire is also believed to attract abundance and prosperity, making it a great stone to place in areas associated with wealth, such as your home office or financial space. 

4. Use Sapphire in Crystal Grids  

Sapphire is a popular stone for use in crystal grids, which are arrangements of multiple crystals intended to enhance their individual energies and create a powerful energy field. Placing sapphire at the center of a crystal grid can help to focus and amplify its healing and spiritual properties.  

Sapphire can also be combined with other stones and crystals to create specific grid patterns that target a variety of goals, such as abundance, protection, or spiritual growth. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced crystal worker, incorporating sapphire into your crystal grid can bring a new level of depth and energy to your practice. 

5. Carry Sapphire with You  

Carrying a piece of sapphire with you can provide a sense of comfort and protection throughout the day. The stone’s calming energy can help alleviate anxiety and stress, while its clarity-enhancing properties can improve mental focus and communication skills. As a talisman of wisdom, sapphire can also help to guide your intuition and connect you with your spiritual path. You can carry sapphire in a pocket, wear it as jewelry, or even place it in a pouch or purse to keep its energy close at hand. 

6. Use Sapphire in Energy Healing  

One way to use sapphire in energy healing is to place a piece of sapphire directly on the throat chakra during a healing session. The sapphire can be held in place with a piece of cloth or tape, and the recipient can lie down and relax while the healer performs the healing. 

Another method is to wear sapphire jewelry, such as a necklace or bracelet, throughout the day to promote overall well-being and balance. The jewelry can be made with raw or polished sapphire stones and can be worn close to the throat chakra or on other parts of the body. 

How to Clean and Cleanse Sapphire 

Natural blue sapphire stone
Natural blue sapphire stone. See it here.

To maintain the effectiveness of sapphire in energy healing, it’s important to clean and cleanse the stone regularly. Here’s what you can do to clean and cleanse sapphire: 


One of the easiest and most common methods to clean sapphire is to rinse it under running water. Use room temperature water and gently rub the stone with your fingers to remove any dirt or residue. Dry the sapphire with a soft cloth after cleaning. 

Salt Water 

Another effective method is to cleanse the sapphire in salt water. Mix a tablespoon of sea salt with a bowl of room temperature water and place the sapphire in the mixture. Let it soak for several hours or overnight, then rinse with water and dry with a soft cloth. 


Smudging with sage or palo santo is another effective way to cleanse sapphire. Hold the sapphire in the smoke of the burning sage or palo santo for several minutes, focusing your intention on cleansing the stone. 

Crystal Cleansing 

Place the sapphire on a bed of clear quartz crystals or selenite overnight to cleanse and recharge its energy. You can also place the sapphire in the sunlight or moonlight for a few hours to recharge its energy. 

Some sapphires, particularly those that have been treated or have inclusions, may not be suitable for certain cleaning methods. It’s always a good idea to check with a professional gemologist or jeweler for advice on the best cleaning methods for your specific sapphire. 

Frequently Asked Questions about Sapphires 

1. Are rubies & sapphires the same?

Rubies and sapphires are not the same, but they’re close since they’re both corundum minerals. They form in the same places but the major difference is in the color. Sapphires, especially blue ones, often contain iron but rubies have chromium. 

2. Can sapphire be red? 

No, sapphires are never red. If it has a rouge, crimson, or sanguine hue, it’s a ruby. 

3. What are the other corundum minerals?  

Corundum minerals comprise a number of incredibly strong gemstones. Not only does this include sapphires and rubies but also emeralds and diamonds.

4. Are all star sapphires the same?

Yes, all star sapphires are the same. Their special name indicates the mining location. For instance, Star of India comes from India while Star of Asia comes from China. Midnight Star refers to the United States. 

5. What color sapphire is most valuable?

The most valuable color for sapphire is a deep, velvety blue, known as “cornflower blue,” followed by pink and yellow. 

6. What is so special about sapphire? 

Sapphire is a precious gemstone with a long history of use in jewelry and alternative medicine due to its beauty and alleged healing properties. 

Wrapping Up 

Sapphire is a precious gemstone that holds deep meaning and symbolism. With its beautiful blue color and alleged healing properties, sapphire has been used for centuries in jewelry and alternative medicine. It’s believed to be a stone of wisdom, truth, and spiritual enlightenment, and is associated with the throat chakra, promoting communication and self-expression.  

The stone’s rich history and cultural significance make it a timeless choice for anyone looking to add a touch of elegance and meaning to their jewelry collection. Whether worn for its beauty or its spiritual properties, sapphire is a symbol of strength, wisdom, and inner peace that has captivated people for centuries. 

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Dani Rhys
Dani Rhys

Dani Rhys has worked as a writer and editor for over 15 years. She holds a Masters degree in Linguistics and Education, and has also studied Political Science, Ancient History and Literature. She has a wide range of interests ranging from ancient cultures and mythology to Harry Potter and gardening. She works as the chief editor of Symbol Sage but also takes the time to write on topics that interest her.