Dragons are among the most popular symbols in China and are widely regarded as the most recognizable Chinese symbol outside of the country as well. The ...
En la mitologÃa coreana los kumiho son espÃritus encantadores e increÃblemente peligrosos. Aunque son autóctonos de Corea, a menudo son confundidos con los ...
As the only mammals who can fly, bats have been largely misunderstood and sometimes feared since the earliest of times. They are often a significant feature ...
Foxes are commonly represented in media and popular culture as sly, cunning, and deceitful. This is because foxes in the wild are known to be wily and ...
Vultures don’t have the best reputation - people associate them with negative things like darkness and death. The way they’re portrayed in books, movies, ...
Known to many as the King of the Jungle, lions have always been a popular subject in books and movies alike. People’s fascination with this majestic being ...
Among the most majestic of all animals, elephants have been respected and revered since ancient times. They are highly symbolic animals, valued for their ...
For thousands of years, serpents have been regarded as a complex symbol of either good or evil across different cultures, religions, and tribes. These ...
Japanese dragon myths are both strongly inspired by Chinese and Hindu dragon myths, and still very much unique. It’s fair to say that Japanese mythology has ...
The dragon myths of the North and South Americas aren’t as famous worldwide as those of Europe and Asia. However, they are as colorful and fascinating as ...