Yule Festival: Winter’s Cozy Tapestry of Traditions

The time around December 21st marks the Winter Solstice in the northern hemisphere. It’s officially the first day of winter containing the shortest day and ...

The Druids of Ireland – Who Were They?

The Druids were the wise shamans of pre-Christian Ireland. They were educated in the arts of the time which included astronomy, theology, and natural ...

The Merrow – Irish Mermaids or Something More?

The merrow legends in Irish mythology are unique yet surprisingly familiar. These gorgeous sea-dwellers resemble the mermaids of Greek mythology and yet ...

Celtic Horned God Cernunnos – History and Symbolism

In Celtic mythology, Cernunnos was the Horned God who ruled over wild beasts and places. He’s most commonly associated with forests, wild animals, ...

Most Popular Celtic Gods and Goddesses with Their Power

The Celts were a diverse group of people, who lived across various regions such as Ireland, Portugal, Italy and Britain. Their culture, religion, and belief ...

What Is The Banshee in Celtic Mythology?

The banshees are one of the most famous Celtic mythological beings in all of Irish mythology today. They – or variations and interpretations of them – can ...

Dullahan – Mysterious Headless Horseman

Most people have heard of the headless horseman – his story is immortalized in multiple novels and other works of art. But few realize that the myth is of ...

Spiral Goddess – What This Symbol Really Means

Just like images of the Venus of Willendorf and Michelangelo’s Pieta, renderings of the Spiral Goddess resonate with women in a primal sense. It’s clear ...

Legendary Creatures Of Celtic Mythology – A List

There’s much of Celtic mythology that’s been lost over the ages. This culture was in its prime during the Iron age, but much of the mythology was lost due ...

Arawn and the Underworld: Tales from Welsh Lore

According to Welsh mythology, Arawn is the ruler of the realm of Annwn, or Otherworld - the idyllic resting place of the deceased. As a responsible guardian ...