User Posts: Apsara Palit
Most Common Dreams and What They Mean

You wake up and find yourself trying to find the bathroom. You really have to go but when you find it, something isn’t right. This doesn’t look like your ...

Dreams About Flies – Decoding the Buzz

Flies are creatures no one wants to encounter, whether awake or asleep. While flies are often swatted away in disgust and regarded as annoying buzzing ...

What Does a Dream About Big Waves Mean?

Dreaming about large waves can be frightening, and most people report feeling anxious and worried in such dreams. They’re typically categorized as ...

Mountain Dreams: Meaning and Interpretation

If you enjoy sports such as mountain climbing or trekking, having a mountain dream is not unusual. Since you’re interested in these sports, your ...

Dreams of Spiders – Symbolism and Meaning

Our dreams often tend to be based on common themes, especially those that our subconscious mind picks up. Symbols that we feel strongly about in our waking ...

Snake Dreams – 21 Possible Meanings

Have you ever had those dreams about snakes that feel exceedingly real, where you see the snake gliding across the floor towards you and you feel as though ...

Dreaming of Dust – Meaning and Symbolism

Dreaming of dust can have both positive and negative connotations. In general, having dreams of dust or anything associated with dirt is seen as a ...

Dreams about Water – Meaning and Symbolism

Dreaming of water has primal significance as it represents our emotional state and response to what occurs in our waking life. There are numerous ...

Dreaming of a Lioness – Meaning and Symbolism

Most people believe that seeing a lioness in their dreams is a bad sign, as they associate it with their fear of the animal’s ferocity and power.  ...

Dreaming About Being Trapped- Symbolism and Meaning

One of the most terrifying dreams that you can experience is seeing yourself getting trapped in a situation or place you cannot escape from. Dreaming about ...

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