What Are the Religions in Vietnam? A List

Each country has a population that perceives religion differently than others. While some countries have a separation of religion and State, others use faith ...

4 Common Religions in Japan Explained

All around the world, there are different groups of people that have different beliefs. As such, each country has prominent organized religions that coexist ...

List of Religions in China – What You Need to Know

With so many people in the world, it’s only natural for us to divide into different groups, with each group based on different religious beliefs and desires. ...

Origins and History of 6 Well-Known Hannukah Customs (Facts)

One of the most interesting aspects of the Jewish holiday known as Hanukkah is that it is part of a living tradition. It is not just a representation of ...

What is Gnosticism? – A Deep Dive

Derived from the Greek word Gnosis which means ‘knowledge’ or ‘to know’, Gnosticism was a religious movement that believed that there existed secret ...

What Is Orphism? — The Ancient Greek Mystery Religion

The enchanted worldview of Ancient Greeks offers an abundance of intriguing myths. Myths are vivid stories rich in symbolic meaning — their purpose is to ...

Spirituality vs. Religion: Understanding the Key Differences

Humans have developed all types of beliefs throughout history. Some of these beliefs are attached to a specific religion while others just practice their ...

The Buddha’s Insight: Understanding the Four Noble Truths

Siddhartha Gautama, more commonly referred to as the Buddha or the 'Enlightened one', is traditionally believed to have come from a life of privilege, which ...

History of the Fish as a Christian Symbol

Although the cross has been the core symbol of Christianity for centuries, the symbol of the Ichthys fish also has an important place in Christianity and a ...

Jizo – Japanese Bodhisattva and Protector of Children

Jizo Bosatsu or just Jizo is a very curious character from Japanese Zen Buddhism and the Mahayana Buddhist tradition. He is viewed as a saint as ...

Non-Violence in Eastern Thought: The Role of Ahimsa

Ahimsa is one of the key principles of most of the major Eastern religions such as Buddhism, Jainism, and Hinduism. Unlike other terms such ...

Maitreya: Understanding the Next Buddha’s Significance

From the outside, Buddhism can seem quite complicated. Different schools in different countries, each citing different numbers of Buddhas, all with ...