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Fenrir in Norse Mythology: The Origins and Significance

Fenrir is one of the most famous mythological wolves in the world and has been the inspiration behind the creation of many other fictional wolf and hound ...

Jörmungandr – The Great World Serpent in Norse Mythology

There are many monsters in Nordic folklore and mythology but none inspire as much terror as the World Serpent Jörmungandr. Even the World Tree dragon ...

Nordic (Viking) Symbols – A Comprehensive List

The Nordic cultures and peoples have brought us some of the most colorful and unique myths and symbols we’ve seen. They’ve inspired lots of later art and ...

Yggdrasil Tree of Norse Mythology – Origins and Meaning

The mighty tree Yggdrasil is one of the most recognizable symbols from Norse mythology. Many ancient cultures and religions worship trees but few do it ...

20 Norse Gods and Goddesses and Why They’re Important (A List)

Like most ancient religions and cultures, the Nordic people had a very complicated pantheon of deities. With new gods from neighboring regions and tribes ...

Freya – Nordic Goddess of Love, Fertility, Sex and War

Freya, also spelled Freyja, is a Nordic goddess of fertility, beauty, love, sex, as well as war and seiðr – a special kind of Norse magic. A beautiful and ...

Veldismagn – An Icelandic Magical Stave

Iceland is renowned for its rich heritage of magic and mythology. Many of these magical beliefs are represented through signs and symbols, which are an ...

Ragnar Lodbrok – The Legendary Norse Viking

Ragnar Lodbrok is simultaneously one of the most famous Viking heroes and a person so shrouded in mystery that historians are still not sure who he was. ...

Ginfaxi – Icelandic Swastika-Like Symbol of Good Luck and Wrestling

The Norse languages are full of hundreds of fascinating symbols, many of which we still don’t fully understand today. One such curious example is the ...

The Myth of Loki and Sif – Norse Mythology

In the mystical realm of Norse mythology, gods and goddesses hold unimaginable power and unfathomable secrets. One such tale involves the cunning trickster ...