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Purim’s Tale: Retelling the Ancient Jewish Story of Survival

Nowadays, Judaism has around 14-15 million followers divided into main three branches. These branches are Orthodox Judaism, Conservative Judaism, and Reform ...

Understanding Maundy Thursday: Significance and Traditions

Christianity, a religion that bases itself on the teachings of Jesus Christ, has the most participants with a whopping estimate of two billion ...

What is Black Friday and How Did it Start?

In the US, Black Friday is popularly known as the Friday following Thanksgiving, typically on the fourth Friday of November, which marks the start of the ...

What Is the Epiphany and How Is It Celebrated?

Compared to the more popular Christmas celebrations, the Feast of the Epiphany is a lot more low-key and subdued. Many people outside the Christian ...

Should Christians Celebrate Halloween? (And What the Bible Says)

Every 31st of October comes with plenty of excitement as the stores line up with costumes and candy sales go up to their potential maximum. The annual ...

10 Christmas Traditions with a German Twist

One often forgets that the same holidays can be celebrated quite differently around the world, and Christmas is one such festivity. Each country has its own ...

Origins and History of 6 Well-Known Hannukah Customs (Facts)

One of the most interesting aspects of the Jewish holiday known as Hanukkah is that it is part of a living tradition. It is not just a representation of ...